Winston is about to enter the REX CLASS of wacko democrats. He tries to pass himself off as some kind of resonable centrist but he is not. He seems educated and intelligent but blows it with his hatred for a man who is making this country better in every way. Why does he hate Trump he tells us? Cause he crudely tweets and he once in a locker room said he would like to grab a twat, OMG!. I am sure Winston has never thought about grabbing a twat. Of course the ultimate "twat grabber" that being Slick Willie was given a pass by the democrats. In his quest for a perfect president Winston will part of turning this country over to the likes of the Squad, Pocahontas or a Bernie Sanders.
Shane, Shane, Shane. That’s been disproven as have all of the conspiracy theories around this episode. In fact this article proves the whistle blower reported to the CIA lawyer before it got to the house. Shift is a lying shit and should be censured for his acts but that doesn’t change the fact that the president seems to have tried to push Ukraine into investigating Biden.
It's really not that hard to read your mind proffessor. You vote democrat so your book (your mind) is a short story.
Try reading more Will Rogers or Thomas Soule instead of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Your real hobgoblin is the left Sir Winston
Yes. Trump wants corruption investigated. We should all support that. Trying to spin it into anything else is the conspiracy.
Like I said earlier Winston .... this position is likened unto a Sheriff being prevented from investigating a potential crime just because the accused is running against him in the next election. How convenient is that for the perp?
By who? Schitt? Lol and the Biden deal, disproved by....the obama administration? Listen to yourself. Trump did nothing wrong here.
Now we have our second and third whistleblowers coming forward. One who apparently has detailed, first-hand information about the Trump/Ukraine scandal. The second is actually one from Treasury department who says that there was interference by a political appointee on the traditional auditing of the President and VP's taxes. You guys can continue pointing the finger in the other direction and saying, "nothing to see here..." but you are just whistling past the graveyard. This is what happens when you continue to believe conspiracy theories and scream fake news anytime there is good information to debunk them. I also find it funny that you guys keep screaming "Trump Derangement Syndrome" when in reality the only person freaking out right now is Trump and his minions. Have you seen one of his press conferences lately? Damn...GOP Senator from Wisconsin, Ron Johnson, has revealed that Sandlin, the Ambasssador to the EU, told him that Trump was withholding aid to Ukraine until they agreed to re-open the investigation. The rats are jumping ship...time to drain the swamp for real.