When it comes to who is president, I don’t care what kind of virtue signaling they do. I’m only interested in the policy. 1) believes people should follow the law when entering the country 2) believes In capitalism and the least amount of regulation to protect the integrity of the system 3) does not believe in the man made global warming fairy tale 4) believes in the greatness of the US Constitution AS IT WAS WRITTEN ... not some revised socialists shit 5) believes in free and EQUAL trade 6) believes you can spend your money better and more wisely than the government 7) doesn’t believe compromise with the left is a healthy solution Etc ...... Trump may be a personal scum bag .... but he’ll get my vote every time.
am I? please explain if your statement were true I wouldn't be on a chat forum with a bunch of people who find no social value in my position. in fact, you and those who share your beliefs are the ones who've hidden in a den of the like-minded. i do agree that Trump doesn't read books. never said you do and neither do I. One doesn't have to be deranged about this little man to recognize that he is a crook and a con man and that he is trying to tear down the institutions of this country to satisfy his deranged mind. super, thanks back to your social value/ladder argument, huh? nice try but let me reiterate that if I were trying to climb some kind of social ladder, I wouldn't be on a political chat forum where literally no one agrees with me.
I like Yang and he definitely seems to be the most authentic of the Dem candidates from what I've seen.
Both of these are conspiracy theories that have been debunked and not a shred of evidence exists to support either of them. Further, what are you feelings about the patents that Ivanka Trump was granted last year from China for a supposedly defunct company? I have no doubt that you believe this to be the truth but it's not. Trump has violated his oath of office, at a minimum, and has placed his own political interests ahead of those of the United States. He has tried to enlist the help of other countries to prove conspiracy theories that our own intel agencies have told him repeatedly are untrue.