the press was so sure the mueller report would sting trump. what did they think they knew? what information did they have that was damning? nothing, they were being dishonest. they had nothing. there was never anything. not a single thing. i think the russia mueller thing illuminates how crazy and dishonest everyone is about trump. the press was always like "surely the mueller report will reveal info that willdamage the president". based on what? it was always just a lie. from the moment it started i was like "what is this even investigating?" . and it turned out it was in fact nothing. for years i was told it was something! but i knew i was being lied to. thats just how the media deals with trump.
Its sad it is this way. The media has taken such a hard stance I have no choice but to defend and vote for Trump yet again. They can't see past their own hate they are going to elect him again. I also think majority of Americans would agree with me now, though most wouldn't openly say it. I just don't get how you can watch mainstream media and not see bias all over the damn place. Everything about this president is leaked, spun, turned upside down and made into "the" issue. If they would just let the man be, we would all be better off. The country would be better off. You mean like this? LOL...Looks like there were 3 GOP Senators who signed onto a letter to the former Ukrainian President in 2016 urging him to replace the prosecutor. Should we investigate them too?
This doesn't make your case. There is SWORN testimony from the prosecutor that states otherwise. Further, I trust NO SINGLE GOP member anymore than I trust any Democrat. These jackles have gotten rich off the taxpayer and I TRUST NO ONE. This is the major difference between you and me. I question everything. I believe the motive of accusers is far more telling that what is being accused in most political cases.
Also, the fact that you have to find a "DEM" or "GOP" next to someones name to somehow validate your claim is even more to my point. This is all you and the media have.
Yeah, they are called facts. If Biden was so slimy, why were GOP Senators signing on to his request? Answer this one question for me without mentioning the Deep State please.
Spin it how you want, but here are the facts, there are two opposing sides. Zero clear evidence has been presented either way which, many would argue, is justification for investigation. Trump needed a Special Council to ensure he was not a Russian plant. If we are going off principle and past history, I would think any candidate with serious questions of corruption need the same logic and scrutiny applied. The FULL FORCE OF THE US GOVERNMENT!
You haven't provided a single fact that clears Biden and neither has the media. Dance around it how you like, but the media just saying "its debunked" is not a fact.\ In fact, Rudy actually has Ukrainian documents. What documents clear Biden?