and you think it was improper for the president to keep this transcript accessible to only the appropriate folks, and it was also wrong to publish it? is he guilty of being too tranparent or too secretive? like put the conversation in a "vault"? but you would call it a cover up. even after he released it. its not typical procedure to put transcripts on a private server? where do they usually go, wikipedia? doesnt seem so secret, you can read it if you like. there is nothing there. thats why they didnt care about releasing it.
Don't blame him for putting sensitive info in a more secure site with these lying spying disgusting deep state and democrats trying find anything to overthrow this president
This is an instant classic. One of my favorite tweets of all time.
Love this guy, the fact that he pisses @Tiger in NC and @Winston1 and @HalloweenRun off so damn much just makes me love him even more! Trump2020 Baby!
i think maybe the overwhelming, defining, characteristic of politics in 2019 is trump hate. the media is absolutely bonkers about it. is all they care about. they ignore almost everything else. the media is absolutely without question out get trump, in the same sense that the pope is catholic. being anti-trump defines the media, its all they are, loudly, all the time. they are absolutely fucking bananas with trump derangement syndrome, such that it appears that they all believe they get their salary doubled if they hate trump more than their coworkers. i didnt vote trump, i think he is a clown. but i dont believe anything the media says about trump, they dont care about anything on earth except hating him. every second of every day. its the most notable media obsession of our lifetimes. So Schiff is only letting Dems ask questions!. ORANGE MAN BAD!
Trump should borrow some Bleachbit from Hillary apparently that is a democrat approved way to do a cover up and get away with it.