Your over the top responses show you’re either totally ignorant or unmoored. You rant rather than respond in every post. You either ignored or have forgotten that I said earlier that as much as I detest Trump I will likely vote for him next year BECAUSE of the democrat candidates. Unfortunately that still we are truly screwed as a nation. Your cry that the Democrats in Congress be impeached may be hyperbole though I doubt it. Whatever the reason it is not in the constitution you supposedly revere. Impeachment is the remedy for the executive or judicial branches. Congress and the senate hold sole authority to discipline the membership. They can censure or expel a member. Even a member convicted and jailed cannot be removed except by the Congress. Caca your rants only show your ignorance and unbalance.....get help and get educated.
As with Clinton there are several minor laws he’s broken or could have. I think the easiest and clearest is the emollients clause yet that’s never mentioned. I’m not sure there’s anything but the same sort of corruption that Biden did and is endemic in today’s political environment. That being said they are out to get him and he’s making it easier than it should be. The whole point of this circus is to try and push Trumps polls down. This article makes good points. Nixon had to leave because his polls were down at 24%, and the GOP senators did not want to go into an election with that hanging around their neck. It was probably more the economy was starting to tank than watergate, but combined, the GOP had Nixon take one for the team. Clinton OTHO, had a strong economy, and his polls didn’t go down, No chance he was going to be removed by the Senate. To date, Trumps polls are holding, and will likely continue. ... again, there is no chance that the Senate is going to remove him .....errr ... well I say that, we are talking about the GOP, who are famous for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Your rants against Trump and your moral equivalence to the swill on the left is why I rant on you. No fool like an old fool. If at your age you can compare Trump to any and I mean any democrat you are foolish. To not see the absolute coup being attempted by the democrats not only make you a fool but a blind fool.
because you said: "What I meant is that while I would agree that the President's phone calls should be confidential, they shouldn't be without record or subject to oversight by the appropriate governing bodies" if they are confidential, then the oversight bodies wouldnt know about them. because they are confidential. and i asked if the pres should be allowed off the record conversations. i was curious how he could do that if you wanted the oversight by the governing bodies. its not clear to me how you favor allowing off the record and confidential conversations. when you say: "they shouldn't be without record " thats the opposite of "off the record". its even using the same word "record". can he go off the record or not, fuhrer?