I'm sorry you think this is news my friend but consortiumnews is just another alt-right rag. Hell, I've never even heard of them. Has it occurred to you that the only place you are finding this crap is from the alt-right? Haven't you asked yourself why this kind of thing isn't even being reported on fox news? You should.
and now worldtribune.com....listed as extreme by mediafactcheck.com. Do you read anything but alt-right rags?
As a matter of fact I do .... I read all the left wing rags AND the right wing rags. That is the only way you get ALL of the information. How bout you? ... Do you read ANYTHING outside of the Lame Stream Media and it’s cronies like Mediafactcheck, Politifact, Fact-check, et al.?
TigerNC ..... I find the biggest offense of news stories in the media is the intentional exclusion of material that is at odds with the “story” being promoted. For example, the media is falling over itself to defend Biden’s assertion that his remark was made in the context of general corruption. Yet, documents and stories, and sworn testimony from Shokin himself state otherwise. Other circumstantial evidence also supports otherwise, and actually form the basis of Trumps call. Yet, the MSM omit these topics .... hence, they are biased to a certain narrative. I don’t see how you can be so naive as to believe the MSM without question.
everyone is dependent upon media in whatever form they consume it, and in whatever flavor they choose.... will be interesting to see which media was correct
You should at least try to see NC's point of view. For one day consider that the Democrats are good and that Trump is a rotten scumbag. Give that point of view a fair chance. Let us know a summary of your experience.