Whistleblower Complaint

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I don't but our congressional investigators surely do. Further, part of the whistleblower complaint was that the WH took extrordinary steps to hide the calls by putting them into a stand alone computer system not normally reserved for storing transcripts. Why? It is alleged that calls between Trump and Putin and calls between Trump and the Saudi Prince were also stored privately. If so, all of those calls need to be reviewed. Normally I would agree that these should be privileged phone calls but all of that went out the window if the calls were being covered up.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Extraordinary**? Obama did the same fucking shit....

    You see, every time to speak it is your TDS doing the talking.


    But sure, lets declassify everything to appease the sky screamers!

    From ABC News: “The two calls in early 2017, with leaders from Australia and from Mexico, leaked early in Trump’s administration, and sources said the procedure to store them quickly changed — many calls between the president and world leaders instead were stored in a secure server to avoid leaks. The sources who talked to ABC News did caution that it’s unclear if the calls being stored were done so for national security or for political concerns.”

    "One source cited by ABC News described the practice as “basically standard operating procedure.”
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Deep State again?

    The House has the votes. McConnell said today that if the House impeaches that they legally have a duty to hold a trial in the Senate.

    1 - Illegally soliciting campaign help from a foreign government.
    2 - Bribery
    3 - Misappropriation
    4 - Conspiracy

    I bet you hope that the Senate shuts it down. That said, if the House impeaches and produces the evidence for doing so in a way that is clear and concise, I am willing to bet that there will be some defections from Senate Republicans, especially those who are up for election in 2020 in battleground states.
  4. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    You're gonna just keep your head plugged in the sand on this one.

    SDNY ;)

    I don't think it's wrong for Trump to pressure Ukraine into looking into whether there was assistance to the DNC/Hillary, and the Biden shenanigans. I want to know if there's something there. And if you weren't so biased you would to.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    This is it. This is the one!

    Could have? COULD? LOL. OK go for it. Locking up 2020 one conspiracy at a time!

    Well, the evidence part will be lacking. Just like the Mueller report....
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    When everyone who has investigated the matter says that it is not true and even the most conservative of media outlets won't touch it with a ten foot poll, I think it's safe to say it's a conspiracy theory. Otherwise, there would be evidence that would have led at least one of those media outlets to say otherwise.

    Good, because he didn't. FOX news says so.

    He said he was going to hire the "best people." So they were hired by his cabinet members. Did they not do their homework? Where does the buck stop?

    Not really. In fact, it was never debunked and still isn't. Do you even realize that there is an ongoing counter intelligence investigation into the Russian meddling part? And I have only used debunked over and over because you keep repeating the same lie over and over, thus forcing me to use the word debunked.

    No one is scared of a matter that has already been thoroughly investigated. Nothing to be scared about. You keep lying and I keep correcting you.

    Another of your alt-right talking points that has been widely debunked. In fact, this one is just an online hoax that likely came from a Russian troll farm.
  7. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Here is another article that insinuates and explains the interaction of the Obama Admin as well as Republicans in the interaction with Ukraine, and the driving force behind it all. The E.U. and the US were trying to pull Ukraine away from Russia ... all in the political game of global politics.


    Now we all know why both DNC and RNC never trumpers (think McCain who is mentioned in the article) .. hate Trump. He is NOT an insider benefiting from all this shit.
  8. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Politifact????? .... Really??

    Seriously ... do you trust anything politifact has to say on a subject?? Might as well call up the DNC and ask their opinion on the subject if that is the case.
  9. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Aaaaannnndd .... there is more.

    “Valeriy Chaly, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States at the time, confirmed to me in a statement issued by his office that, in March 2016, a contractor for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) pressed his embassy to try to find any Russian dirt on Trump and Manafort that might reside in Ukraine’s intelligence files.

    “The DNC contractor also asked Chaly’s team to try to persuade Ukraine’s president at the time, Petro Poroshenko, to make a statement disparaging Manafort when the Ukrainian leader visited the United States during the 2016 election.

    “Chaly said his embassy rebuffed both requests because it recognized they were improper efforts to get a foreign government to try to influence the election against Trump and for Hillary Clinton.”

    The pressure from Democrats continued as Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to Ukraine if Poroshenko did not fire the country’s chief prosecutor, who was investigating the firm employing Biden’s son.

    “Ukraine would have been bankrupted without the aid, so Poroshenko obliged on March 29, 2016, and fired Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin,” Solomon wrote.


    Given what I now suspect from the previous articles, the US/EU had ripped Ukraine away from its Russian Teet, thus making Ukraine dependent on EU and US money (Russia tried to counter this by offering a 15 Billion aid package, but Obama and Nuland staged a coup just like the left does here in the States). This explains why Trump mentioned in his call about Germany and France not supporting Ukraine as they were supposed to be doing. On top of this, the Obama admin, according to the consensus of news reports were manipulating the Ukraine justice system to its benefit ... ie., drop the investigation of Hunter Biden, ... that had been REOPENED (more media lies that it was closed), and investigate if Trump had colluded with Russia and any role of Paul Manafort.

    Oh ... the web they weave.
  10. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    I've got my popcorn ready for when the US Public, who will see through all this theater, votes out both the defectors ... and the democrats who support this power play.

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