Why? Why do you need those calls? That would literally ruin US foreign relations with everyone. But that is OK because Trump is mean? You and the entire democratic party are mentally ill. Seek help.
Hunter Biden was a private citizen and a lawyer who was hired as a director to serve on Burisma's executive board. Joe Biden was Vice President of the US and he demanded that the Ukraine replace a prosecutor who was widely considered corrupt. This opinion was held by the larger US government, the IMF and many of our European allies. Does it look bad? Yes, it does. Was it illegal or inappropriate? No it wasn't and this is the opinion of everyone who has looked into it with the exception of Trump and Rudy G. Even conservative media outlets like the WSJ, National Review and FOX have determined that nothing inappropriate occurred. If there was some inpropriety involved, it would have been discovered and brought into the light by now. So you are essentially asking the rest of us to believe that FOX news investigated the matter independently and decided not to report on something that would be damning to Biden. What does Trump Jr. do for a living? Oh yeah, hes the VP of the Trump Organization. Is that a conflict of interest? https://www.forbes.com/sites/steved...harged-as-a-criminal-enterprise/#3c3df8243a18 And the Trump Organization is definitely under investigation by the SDNY for Election Finance Violations, Bank Fraud, Charity Fraud, Tax Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Suborning perjery and Obstruction of Justice. I wonder why Bill Barr's DOJ hasn't been investigating Donny Jr.? But you should because that is exactly what is getting him impeached right now. Further, you are saying that you don't care if Trump did something wrong but you do care if Biden did....which he didn't. Your just exposing yourself as a fraud and a hyprocrite.
NC wont read it. He will refer you to CNN and MSNBC. The Dem's on this board have a very hard time understanding the subversion our country has been practicing for a long long time. It was her turn. The rats are scrambling.
He wont be impeached because not a single law was broken and there isn't enough votes. Can you tell me, from that transcript, what law was broken? I mean sure, there is confusion as to if you can impeach the president because he "says" mean things, but the senate will shut it down. All you and your party are doing is running around looking like deranged idiots.
Information Clearing House? This is conspiracy theory bull shit. Why can't you find a reputable media source who will support this claim of yours? Where is FOX news? Where is the WSJ? National Review? Hell, even Breitbart isn't subscribing to these conspiracy theories.
Ok, look....I get it that you are hanging your hat on that little clip of Joe saying that he withheld the payments until said prosecutor was fired. I get it that you think this will be the golden ticket that gets Trump off the hook. Fine...you can think however you want. BUT, the facts are that not even your beloved FOX news is subscribing to this shit. In fact, none of the conservative media stalwarts are standing up for Trump at all. Don't you ever wonder why? Why is it only the 4chan's and the alt-right media who are pushing these debunked conspiracy theories?
What about the fact that the whistleblower had to make his complaint to the IC IG, Atkinson, who was a Trump appointee? Because he had to investigate the claim and after doing so he called the report "credible" and of "urgent concern." This is a Trump appointee, not a democrat. Further, this weekend Tom Bossert, another Trump appointee, came out and said that Trump and his inner circle have known this was widely debunked story for some time but have continued repeating it. What about Trump's own people verifying it? They aren't partisan democrats. It's already been investigated dude. You guys had the same problem with Benghazi. No matter how many times it was investigated you just couldn't accept the fact that nothing nefarious happened. This is getting to be a pattern for the Republican party. No, because our own intel agencies have already all independently determined that the Russians did indeed hack the DNC so what's to investigate? Let me guess.....deep state, right? LOL....
How is a verifiable fact of a video with Joe saying he did it a conspiracy theory? Your head is so far up your ass you can't comprehend basic English anymore. You know, I never once said Joe did anything wrong. I used it as an example that what you and the media are using for your latest "peach mint" is a nothing burger. There is nothing there. If there was, Joe would of had Obama in the "peach mint" hearings. The US is allowed to swing its dick however the US chooses. Obama did it, Bush did it, but when Trump does it? Get a fucking grip dude.
You act like this matters... Can you tell me why it was a trump appointee it matters? You think Trump interviewed everyone he appointed? You actually think he has time for that? The Russian gate was debunked for years, but look at all we had to go through. I am not sure why you keep mentioning this. Further, if it is "debunked" why so scared? Not it wasn't. The Obama team shut the investigation down. I linked that. Did you read it? Even still, if nothing happened, why is everyone so scared? Isn't this the argument you used for Trump acting out during the Mueller investigation?????? No intelligence agency looked at that server. Not one. Its a fact. So what is the harm in looking at it? Why the big deal to you guys? But you want all of Trumps call transcripts? LOL