How so? I mean when you have the other person (ukraine pres) on camera saying "no there was no pressure, no demands, no "trades" " then how do you say this Oh that's right, you wanted that bitch
Come on Shane. Trump sent Rudy over several times (by his own admission) to pressure the Ukrainian president. They message was sent and received that Ukraine better play ball. Trump didn’t need to ask for a quid pro quo. It was already on the table.
There was only one conclusion based on the facts. The 3 Dems did not try to strongarm the Ukrainian. But don’t take my word, look how ALL 3 VOTED for hundreds of millions of dollars of aid. Meanwhile Trump personally and singlehandedly withheld aid, then asked for “favors.” I’ve watch enough Godfather movies to understand that process! But, I am 100% certain that my posts will not change any of the pro-Trumper’s minds and your insults will not change mine. However I am determined that this sorry state of American politics is not going to change my relationships with friends, whether digital or in person. One more time: Being disgusted with the actions (not necessarily all of his policies) of Donald Trump is in no way a positive endorsement of the Democratic Party or its representatives. To refer to the Democrats as my party is simply incorrect.
Never said he didn’t. Disliking Trump is not “liking” Biden. Biden and his son, even if actions were totally above board, fostered the perception of impropriety. I’ve read in several places that some (many) in Biden’s entourage were concerned about his son’s actions. While I’m sorry Biden’s one son died, that does not give the other a free pass.
Wrong again. The three stooges most certainly did send a letter saying that exact thing, it's not hard to find. As for aid, none was withheld in relevance to the phone call, none, you have bought into the dems snipe Hunt once again. Shame on you And yes, the dirty dems have gone below the belt of the country yet again. They know they have no story, there is no crime or strong arm tactics. They have a person selling a story he didn't hear that was written by someone else. You know that right? This entire thing is rotten and in their haste to get to Trump here is a list of what they've accomplished: 1. Ruin the security of the OO to other nations 2. Get some dems sent to jail 3. Re-elect Donald Trump
Sorry Shane, just because you say it, or want it, or hear it on Fox News, it doesn’t make it right or true. Here is a link to the letter. Read it for yourself. There is nothing in it about withholding aid or asking for a “favor.” of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf We are simply wasting each other’s time going back and forth. The same people say the same things over and over. We are approaching rapidly Einstein’s definition of insanity. I’m done. If you want to claim you “won” that’s fine.
Winston .... consider - The Mueller Report was all over the news, and it fingered Ukraine as a starting point. - There was some corruption issues with the previous Ukraine Admin, thus why Zelensky won. - Rudy was sent over to talk with the Ukrainians in reference to the Mueller report (we don’t know what was said or why) - Trump tells Zelensky, “to get to the bottom of it”. (Slang for find out the truth) - The Biden story was also in the news at the time, and connected to the broader corruption issue in Ukraine - Trump “a lot of people want to know about that” (slang for what do you know about that, what ur story) - Zelensky said there was no pressure and the tone of all his responses were connected to improving the perception of his nation with regard to larger corruption issue. ..... so do you arrive at “Trump sent Rudy over several times (by his own admission) to pressure the Ukrainian president” ?? Seems the “pressure” part of your sentence is being read into the story. There is no evidence Trump sent him over to pressure Ukraine ..... that is a media fabrication being repeated over and over. The above clearly shows there was reason for Rudy to be over there in connection to the Mueller Report. It is almost as if you guys have condemned Trump just for talking to the guy about current events. He can’t win in that case.
More to the point question ..... What’s the point of an Impeachment Hearing, when you know the Senate will not convict? So .... why are we going through this?