Randall looked good. His TD pass to Bowe was a thing of beauty. When it comes to running with the ball, he's clearly the best of the three. Flynn looked bad. He consistently overthrew receivers deep, and looked like he was having trouble hitting his targets in stride on short passes. Russell looked the best of the three. I thought he showed good accuracy, and he obviously puts a ton of zip on the ball. The only way to describe his throw is effortless. He looked better than the stat line.
I don't get why Mauck left the team, IMO he screwed LSU big time. He left and took MC with him. It's going to be hard to repete. I missed my flight this morning so I didn't see the game but the Offense sounds horrific.
How many times did you hear defense wins championships this past year? We just need a QB to keep HIS mistakes to a minimum and we'll be alright. I got to admit though, I was expecting to see some All-American red shirt to show me something and what I saw was QB play you would expect to see from a kid right out of High School. Russell------street ball play Flynn--------totally confused Randall------sporadic(exactly the same as always) JMO
Don't worry people. The beauty of Saban is that he knows how to use a teams strengths. We will just have to get used to being a ball control team if that is what it takes. There is going to be a big drop off early in the season in the passing game, how could there not be. You cannot expect a bunch of freshman to step up and play as well as Mauck, Clayton, and Henderson. You can expect Saban to run it down their throat, and shut them down with the defense! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think some of ya'll are expecting a little too much. If you attended other Spring gamesa round the SEC you wouldn't see a team that is as well polished as this team is right now. Remember this is only the spring. There is a long way to go and all three QB's looked fine for this time of year.
If no one QB emerges as the obvious number one this coming season, how much time do ya'll suppose the non-starting QB's will get the chance to play?
Brett, we all have glasses with a shade of purple and gold but be honest. The passing game has a LONG way to go. As previous poster stated we will rely on running game and defense.
Randall looked the best out there. Both freshmen followed their primary receiver all through the play and telegraphed it. Randall didn't. He also seemed to read the defense better. He had some misfires, but overall was clearly the leader. Flynn threw the ball well enough but into tight coverage way too often and had them batted down. He'll get interceptions playing that way in the SEC. Russell has a beautiful pass, but he wasn't very accurate today, throwing over and behind receivers a lot. He probably has the most upside potential, but he's not ready yet. Bowe really looked good at receiver. He will definitely start in September. Addai got wide open a lot as a slot receiver but the QB's couldn't seem to hit him.
IMO, one significant reason that Flynn and Russell did not impress was that the corner play by the white team literally shutdown the purple receivers. Mario is all that. He looked awesome today. Flynn had trouble hitting the broad side of a semi today. Bowe was a workhorse for the white today. He looked awesome. Randall looked same as the last couple times he played. He just can't seem to put the mental and physical aspects together on the same play. He played good, but clearly didn't look like a guy whose been in the system for 5 years. Russell impressed me the most. As someone stated earlier, his stats weren't all that great, but he really threw some nice balls. Biggest problem for him was time from the OL, and the fact that the cover corners are just studs. Spring games give the coaches an idea of where they need to focus for fall camp. With vanilla offense, its tough for a QB to separate. There was no sign of separation today. I believe that Russell will give Randall a serious push in the fall.