I probably appreciate dimwittedness for its entertainment value rather than loathe politicos. There's a fine line out there somewhere between the two alternatives. The Curly, Larry and Moe award for political stupidity in Louisiana this year has to go to State Rep John Labruzzo for his Hitlerian views on Eugenics. This guy actually introduced a bill to pay people on welfare to become sterilized while at the same time paying college graduates to have children. Just what I want, Government control of the gene pool. What's next...euthenasia of the disabled? (How about just quit paying so much for welfare recipients to have kids John?)
I had a conversation w/ a friend last night that turned political. His voting strategy is always vote against the incumbent. He figures anyone there for more than 1 term is there for themselves. Lotta truth to that.
I felt that way once. But now that we have term limits, I begin to see the problems that has, as well. It gives a legislature a short-term memory and a short-term agenda. First they makes the mistakes that have been made before because there is no built-in experience. Plus they lose interest in long-term planning because they won't be here to enjoy the accolades when those long-term projects get finished. It's all about "get some pork for back home NOW" and get reelected to that second term, then it becomes get what he can get for himself during that second term (pay raise, influence, appointments, etc). The long-term good of the state can just go to hell. Perhaps we can get the best of both worlds by letting senators serve long terms and keeping term limits for representatives.
This is why we need political reform. I don't loathe anyone in government but I loathe the political system in this country or at least what it has turned into. I don't think it benefits the country at all to have long term senators like Byrd, Kennedy and Kerry serving until the day they die. It does help their voters and states but I believe that is a detriment to the country. Let's face it, Kennedy or Byrd could be not all mentally there at their ages and they would still be re-elected. I wouldn't favor long or short term limits probably somewhere in between. Somehow though, we need serious political reform. We are now in the 21st century but yet our political system is still in the dark ages. I'd love to see another party somewhere in between the 2 parties we have now just without the extreme elements.
I agree. I think that Senators need to be made more accountable to the states they represent, and I think returning the power to choose senators to the state legislatures would go a long way in doing that.
Then they would have often corrupt and thoroughly partisan local politicians as constituents instead of The People. Bad idea.
I disagree. It would ensure the Senator was lobbying for the state and not furthering his own political agenda.
I don't follow you. He'd have only a hundred or so legislators (all politicians) to curry favor from instead of a couple of million state citizens. The polititicans would literally own him.