I was on the Tiger Travels trip and Rob Sale was one of the people helping to organize the trip. As a former player and staying at the same hotel as the team, he was told by the players that JR had missed curfew. I also believe that I saw it in the Times P., but I might be making that part up. So I guess you can take it for what it is worth.
LSU FIGHTING TIGERS 70% Ole Mac Browns Farm 20% Middle of nowhere 10% :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Does anyone really believe JR was committed to doing everything he could to help this team win this year? And if not what makes us think he will find that commitment this off season?
Someone please go and confirm this stuff. I swear, if you are yanking our strings I'll come down there and............
I voted LSU. And I don't just do it because of "home cookin". 1. Easier for Mom to come see the games. 2. Can I beat out Vince Young (not for 2 years) or Jamarcus Russell (could happen this summer with new head coach). 3. Where will I settle when my playing days are over, and will they remember? At LSU, yes, at Texas, no. We always remember our home boys. 4. More TV exposure at LSU, all those night games on ESPN. 5. Les Miles beat Okla. more often than Mac Brown. Just a guess. Biggest concern, RP is still verbally committed to Texas.
Saying Vince Young is a terrible QB is a bit inaccurate IMO. He might not have the numbers a pure passing qb would, but he wins games. Also, Vick isn't overhyped. Have you seen Atlanta play without him???? Vick is the Falcons.