Yes sir, go to the link, scroll down to #14 and listen to part of it:
Its Ville Platte. Ville Platte translated literally into English is "Flat Town". This is your Louisiana geography trivia lesson for the day. Now get back to work !!!!!!
Thanks HatcherTiger, I've sent that link to my co-workers. People in Ohio, St Louis, Chicago, and LA are enjoying some good ole' Cajun music. :thumb: Good find. Since I'm already going through withdraws from football season pretty much being over, I may order a few of those CD's.
One of the guys was Jim Nasium (spelling? supposed to sound like gymnasium). They also did the Tiger Trek. Y'all remember that?
Kind of. Was there something in it about "they say he can throw up a 3-point rock", talking about Chris Jackson's replacement the year after CJ left?
If you're talking about the Tiger Trek, as far as I remember, it was just about football. Every week they would do a new one and make fun of the upcoming team and their coach. It would start off with the beginning of "Eye of the Tiger". They'd pretend like it was an interview and ask a question and then play a clip from a popular song as their answer. I remember one where I think they were "talking" to Wendell Davis and the answer was "Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, nobody's gonna hold me down". I wish I'd recorded them so I could listen to them again.