I'll be at my house. Sitting in my den. Watching the Tigers kick some Arizona Wildcat butt!!!!!!!!! :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
I was thinking the same exact thing on the way to work this morning. If and when I get married, it will definitely not be during footbal season. I don't give a care what the lucky bride has to say. BTW, I will not be attending my girlfriend's brother's party so I can sit in my comfortable recliner and watch LSU and the other good games on the tube. Advice: If it's football season and you're not throwing a football party, don't have a party at all.
I got married September 7, 1974. For 29 years we've had the same conversation: So what are we doing this weekend for our anniversary? Uhhhhh. I thought we'd do something Thursday night. Why? I have to work the next day? Uhhhh. I'm going to the LSU game. A GAME??? ON OUR ANNIVERSARY??? Uhhhh. Yeah You think she'd learn.
My wife always wants to make love in the back seat on our anniversary. Trouble with that is she wants me to drive.
My wife and I decided to quit smoking except after sex. I still have the same pack after 6 months but she's up to 5 packs a day. I tell ya I can't take it anymore. I went into a bar and the bartender says "What will you have?" I said "Surprise me" so he showed me a picture of my wife naked. My kids are no prize either. I was going to tell my son about the birds and the bees. I said "Someday, son, you'll have kids of your own." He said "Maybe you will too."
I'll be heading home, along with my 5 year-old niece and 2 year-old nephew. I plan on locking them in the closet around 8:00 and then going to steal my brother's flat screen TV, to watch the game on. Should be fun.