Where is all the Parrilloux lovers today???

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Geaux4Tigers, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. eL eS shU

    eL eS shU Founding Member

    Jul 25, 2007
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    ok geaux4tiger, i think many here are having a hard time understanding what you were trying to say. :(

    G4T was just calling out all the people that have been saying "matt is just not as good" "put RP in" "Put matt on the bench" "as long as flynn is our QB, we will not win". He is proud of MF (as we all should be after that second half performance) and wants some of these bad fans to come eat some crow. He was in no way putting down RP only the "fans" that were putting down MF:thumb: got ya

    MF will start our next game, and probally play most of it. The following week, RP SHOULD get a good bit of PT. He will be able to play entire series, and we will finally be able to see his arm again.:geauxtige
  2. K_Jay

    K_Jay Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    It's not that fans were putting down MF. I think most people were calling for RP to get more playing time when MF was hurt and not playing up to par just to give the team another dimension. MF had his best game of the season by far yesterday against Auburn and was really sharp and if he can play anywhere close to that for the rest of the season we should be in good shape. :thumb:
  3. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Am I the only one that thinks RP is set up for failure. There is no question as to what will happen when he comes into a game. We are running an option or a draw.
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  4. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I actually dont recall seeing that many people saying put RP in and bench Flynn. I saw some folks say he should play some more downs. My personal Opinion is not to alternate them like the gay terds did last year, but leave them in for a series, let them get some rythm going. maybe not let RP go in when it's CRITICAL, but for sure if we have a reason to. IE Matt's off or we're ahead by a mile.

    Our problems stem more from pass protection and injuries on the line than QB's.
    The fumble was RP's fault but he is a BALL HANDLER it is going to happen.

    Flynn's thrown a few INT's too. It's going to happen. not much we hope but it will.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Sourdough calling out someone for his spelling?:confused:

    Now, that's rich! :lol:
  6. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    :rofl: You funny!

    I didn't have the heart, he was too proud. :hihi:
  7. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I think you answered your own question there. Why does he change the play? Because they call the same one every time he goes in, and other teams have figured that out as well. I've called for Flynn to be benched, but only in the context that he appeared off of his game due to his injury. No doubt he showed no ill effects from the sprain last night, and played his best game of the year. The 2 QB system (as we run it) is losing its effectiveness. What good does it do if the other team knows exactly what's coming every time RP comes in the game? It doesn't move our game plan forward, and it does RP no good in terms of experience. If its going to continue, they have to give RP more to work with. But make no mistake, I believe a healthy (emphasis on healthy) Flynn is our best offensive option.
  8. "Hurricane"

    "Hurricane" Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    I dont have enough time to read all through the thread, but I will say....I tip my hat off to Matt Flynn for an amazing and memorable performance. At the same time, where are all the Perrilloux lovers is a dumb statement. We're all Perrilloux lovers because he's a Tiger and he'll be our starting QB next year. The main issue with Flynn was his bad performance "streak" that forced a lot of fans to turn away from supporting him. So calling for Perrilloux was in relation to Flynn's previous performances, not this performance. I can guarantee you if Flynn plays consistently like last night, or the way he played last night, no one is calling no body. Everyone knows we dont expect him to make big throws, but we expect him as a senior, to manage the game without mistakes. Something he was able to do at the beginning of the season, and last night. Because that pick last night should have never been even close to a pick.
    GEAUX Flynn!! Be consistent and make us proud!!!
  9. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    Until next year, then Lee will be the fan favorite. :hihi:
  10. Geaux4Tigers

    Geaux4Tigers Founding Member

    Oct 9, 2002
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    Exactly, thanks for clearing that up.

    I was not refering to Flynn bashers only on the forum. I was talking about radio shows and Tiger friends of mine also. It just seem like everyone had no faith in our QB and it bothered me. That kid deserves to play. He is a great leader of the team and he needs the respect that he deserves from our fans. If RP plays I will support him the same way that I support Flynn.

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