Every coach in the Top 11 (except Ferentz -- odd choice) of this list took over his team at a low point and built it up to an elite program. Les is in a tough spot. If he wins, he was just "maintaining." If he loses, he ruined something that was good when he showed up.
Ive never seen a team get as much hype as ECU did last year after the first two games and then completely fall off the face of the earth. I couldnt even tell you if they finished their season.
Les should be past that. He did not lose. He did not pull a 'Zook". Only a few lingering Bammers are still trying to credit Nick for Les' success at LSU. In four years at LSU, Les has won more games than any four-year period Nick had at LSU . . . or anywhere else for that matter.
so you put three others ahead of richt in the east? meyer 1. kiffin is an unknown commodity. brooks and johnson are good but havent and will never do anything (win) at their schools, so they are irrelevant. spurrier? really? he's proven to be a hasbeen---his USC record greatly tarnishes his legacy (as far as current coaching rankings go anyway) really i view meyer as clear 1. miles, richt and saban as equal with several pros and cons to qualify each.
I would rank him pretty high. In the top 10 obviously. He can coach and he takes risks. He already has a National Title under his belt. He hasn't had a bad season yet. He whipped the Yellow Jackets last season in a bowl game which made LSU's season a lot better.
but if nick had stayed, do you think lsu's record would have been different? i dont. nick's hiccups were largely because of qb issues, just like clm's. experienced russell and flynn = WINS. lee, randall and clausen = LOSSES.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Mackovic Old coach went to three bowl games in six years, and finished with a losing record. Looks like he had Texas in the Dinardo zone. These days Texas is in the hunt every year. I stand by my earlier post.
Tx won or shared a conference championship 3 out of 4 yrs under mackovic. they are better under brown but its hard to consider mackovic's three conf championships, in short order, a low point.