Where did the Brady supporters go

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Sourdoughman, Mar 12, 2004.

  1. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    You are so right, I can't get over how fans easily are willing to accept things the way they are, its just so easy to go with the status quo...

    How many times has this team been blown out nevermind loses and they are willing to accept this.
    We can't even compete against teams in our own conference now

    I watched the whole basketball game yesterday and if you read the threads I posted during the game you would understand if you didn't watch it you would'nt seen the players standing around and no one was playing defense in the second half or had their hands up playing D, they just stood there while USC got layups.
    It was horrible, it was a horrible loss like the Vandy and Auburn game before that, loses are bad enough but thier was a 35 point swing in thier favor between the 1st and 2nd half.
    It's not like they played thier hearts out and lost

    Brady can't take any responsibility for it when we lose but he's responsible when we do good and win.
    That is what I see
  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Thats exactly what you did me in the post above. Look if you want to swap spit with Brady fine hell they will even let you get married in California, but don't come here and call everyone here that thinks this program is heading in the wrong direction "Lemmings/sheep". I'm also tire of people repeating "ad nauseam" How Jaime Loreda was the entire team and of course we should colapse without him. Oh wait you didn't say that or maybe you just "implied" it. :dis: :dis: :dis: :geaux: :lsug:
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    swap spit with brady and california. i don't even like or dislike the guy personally nor did i call everyone who thinks the program is going bad is a lemming. just people who use the one sentence or two they hear and repeat like most, maybe all of yours. But its ok, i never expected you to truly take both sides and address them. you're right, I am very sure you know you are. enough said.

    stay out of litigation.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Still here, and still supporting Brady. I just got tired of debating the issue with a bunch of children who act like the bad man took their candy away. Unlike most of you here, I can deal with losses and look forward to next season. For now, there's Baseball.
  5. roygu

    roygu Founding Member

    Aug 29, 2001
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    You notice that the Brady haters NEVER debate a point. They ignore every point. If they are freshmen then they can be excused, but if they have been following the program a few years they should know why the program is down.
    Big Baby was co mvp and Temple made all tournament. Help is on the way.
  6. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    You mean Glen Davis is on the way.
    Instead of bashing people that have a different point of view and creating accusations, you should show an example by someone posts.

    You are the one ignoring points if reading Brady's comments yesterday you aren't left scratching your head a little wondering what is he talking about.

    Take my posts for instance, theres plenty of points and substance in them you just choose to ignore them and thier points and thats fine but you shouldn't accuse others of doing the same thing your doing.

    Everyone said this team is young well next year this team will still be young
    the only thing that will change is Thompson will be gone unless another player
    leaves the team, I do believe that is a track record and I expect that to happen unfortunately.....
    there are 5 freshman on this team and by next year there will be at least 3 more, there will be 3 juniors, Whipple and Hudson will be seniors.....
    Wolfert is a junior next year too, will he play or not?

    You now know what the problem with this team is besides no Identity?

    Everyone focuses on the freshman, this team gets more out of thier freshman
    and Mitchell than anyone else, the juniors and Seniors on this team do nothing and I guess Thompson isn't good enough to play many minutes along
    with Maravich unfortunatly, It looks like Hudson is a freshman because he's
    inconsistant just like them, Whipple, what has he ever done besides bring the
    the ball up the court?

    Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, you go watch any college basketball game, the juniors and seniors provide the leadership and usually are
    the more consistant players, thats my whole point.
    The ones on this team don't play or don't produce or lead like thier piers

    The question next year will be can the juniors and seniors lead this team and
    play like thier piers?
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    What piers? Or did you mean peers? Your entire post has me scratching my head. Never have so many words said so little. Just what are you saying? I can't tell if you agree or disagree with Roygu. And don't get me started on your complete inability to spell, punctuate or compose a grammatically correct sentence.
  8. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    OK, so I might not have spelled peers correctly?
    So what, I've been out of school for 20 years and my grammar isn't what it use to be.
    My post makes perfect sense though and if thats the best you can do try again.
    I made some valid points and evaluation of what some of the problems could be with this team and I tried to look at it from a neutral perspective in other
    words instead of being negative I tried to analyse just whats going on here
    instead blaming Lloreda for why this team can't compete in its own division

    I now its easy for you to blame everything on Lloreda, end of story......
    How interesting, SabanFan now shows up and criticizes me.

    He couldn't take the heat after the loss the other day so he shows up days
    BTW, I'm sure your still licking your wounds when Sabertooth gotcha the other day :D
  9. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You wonder why people don't respond to your points? It is because of statements like these. Let's look at the blowouts this season...

    For the sake of argument, let's define blowouts as a loss of more than 10 points. OK, Houston, 8 points. Nope. Miss State, 10 points. Close to a blow out, but nope. OM, 4 points. Nope. USC, 6 points. Yet again, nope. OK, time for a 5 game SEC winning streak ending with a win against UF. But what is this? An insignificant injury to one of our many big men??? :shock: Now a streak of 1-6 with 5 blowouts. Hmmm, is there a correllation here??? :dis: The fact is that LSU was PRAISED by the media and the fans for NOT getting blown out one month ago. That was a STRENGTH before the Vandy game. If you are going to make points, they have to make sense.

    That is why we are tired of responding to your "points". We have responded until we are blue in the face and yet you keep posting and posting and posting the same old points and contradicting yourself (because it is hard to be consistant when you post that many times on the same subject). And you refuse to accept the reality of what I wrote in the previous paragraph.

    If you want to harp on something, harp on the fact that something else is going on inside of the team that caused them to self destruct. Allude to some rumors or something. It helps some other's arguments (TE :D ).
  10. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Q: Why do so many players leave this team with eligibility remaining?
    A: Jaime Loreda
    Q: Why don't players seem to improve their play under Brady?
    A: Jaime Loreda
    Q: Why does Brady not get along with the fans, the media, game officials and other coaches?
    A: Jaime Loreda
    Q: Why does Brady continue to blame everyone around him for the team and programs problems while taking none of the blame himself?
    A: Jaime Loreda
    Q: Why does Brady continue to schedule weak out of conference teams to pad the win column?
    A: Jaime Loreda
    Q: If we are having these same discussions next year who will the Brady lovefest crew blame?
    A: Jaime Loreda
    Q: If the wheels fall off the wagon again next year who will Brady blame?
    Jaime Loreda? I sure hope not.
    I am an LSU basketball fan and I wish the team the best and even hope Brady does indeed turn things around because he will get another year. However those that continue to make every excuse in the book for why this team continues to underacheive are simply not looking at the facts staring them right square in the face. I know this is not new material just the same old facts so Tirk will be greatly disappointed but baseball is hitting full stride and football is just around the corner so before you know it we will all be holding hands and singing Barney songs (I love you, you love me,one big happy family) :D :wink: :D :D :D :geaux: :lsug:

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