You can disagree with me all you want. I disagree with you. But facts are facts, Saban went 2-4 after James left the team and the opponents scoring average went from 11 ppg to 27 ppg game. Sometimes in life, one person or two people DO make a difference. James at that time was the leader of the defense. After Mauck went down, the offense scoring average went down from 32 ppg to 19 ppg. Mauck was definitely the leader of the offense at the time he was injured. You also say it sounds like the Dinardo years. I say look at the facts again. After Dinardo's third season at LSU, his overall record was 26-9-1. After Saban's third season at LSU (the year that Damien James left and Matt Mauck got hurt), his overall record was 26-11. Seems pretty even to me. You choose to compare it to Dinardo's years, I say compare this years basketball team to Saban's years.
great post MiketheTiger!!!!!!! I am with you all the way on your analysis of the current state of our basketball program. See ya'll in St. Louis on March 26 & March 28, 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, in case you were wondering, that is where the Final Four is next year. And when I am there next year, I am going to shake Brady's hand telling him how great of a job he has done with getting this program to where I and the rest of the "true" Tiger fans have always wanted it to be. That's right you heard it here first.....
That would definitely be a pleasant surprise. You should not ride on that magic carpet too long it has been know to cause temporary insantity.
You're just the kind of fan that wanted to give Dinardo and Tepper contract extensions after back to back 3-8 seasons. It's one thing to support the team but totally another to not see the burning building falling down around you. Teams lose players all the time and they don't all go in the tank like the Tigers did(1-7). Brady takes no credit for the current state of the team or the program. All you ever hear from Brady is excuses and finger pointing. He is the coach HE is responsible. I think he gets one more year but he hasn't earned it. I'm so tired of the Alabama ex :geaux: :lsug: cuses, "it's everyone elses fault". Or how bout a Jim Mora quote "coulda woulda shoulda". But here is one Mora quote even more appropriate "Diddly Poo" because thats what this team looks like under Brady. You can cover it with a dump truck full of sugar it's still a big pile of poo, but by all means keep the sugar coat coming.
well that solves that. LLoreda wasn't as important as we thought or the numbers say since you say so. John Brady really never was on probation due to a prior coach which was close to the death penalty. No it doesnt take serious time to rebuild from such a state since you know how long it should really take although it was unprecedented on severity. Hell maybe we werent on probation at all. No JB didnt take the team to a sweet 16 and win the west in 2001....just so happened to be Stromile nothing to do with the coach of course yet he is responsible for the program you say. Yes, because some feel he may deserve another year means they were the ones who supported Dinardo and Tepper because you say so. We all want losing programs like Dinardo's last few yrs (psst 17-4 12 rpi before lloreda went down). yep I see the similarities. reminds me in 2001 the football team lost their QB and lost 4 of 5 and blown out by Texas in the Cotton Bowl. I knew Saban wasnt the right guy but all those Dinardo people kept him here, now look. I see your point. hindsight is 20/20 hell 10/10. I think the lemmings/sheep are the ones repeating the "same people who supported DiNardo" etc etc ad nauseam and lumping everyone in to support their argument. Use your own material, be won't hurt too badly. BAAAAAAAAAA
You might not want it but you sure accept it pretty easy. You sound like an ole miss fan happy with one quality season every five years or so. Brady can't keep his players, can't take responsibility for the team or the program and couldn't coach his way out of a wet paper bag but you just keep telling yourself that he is Gods gift to the basketball world. If you think this program is heading in the right direction you need to check yourself into an institution. Did you say sheep? Look in the mirror there woolly you're following Brady right off the cliff and trying to convince yourself and everyone here that everything is a ok. If your satified with mediocrity or less thats fine but don't expect everyone here to fall into ole miss fan mode just because you have.:geaux::lsup:
now now there ya go again.... just making stuff up as you go along. Try quoting anything that states I think Brady is god's gift to anything. Personally, I hate the way he never takes blame for his program but that's a respect thing I have. Personally, I think the attrition rate is out of control and he HAS to take responsibility for it happening regardless the reasons. You see, I see both sides of the argument. There is good and bad. You simply use ambiguous comments to try and make your point on firing him. Its ok to step back and see both sides of a case, that wont hurt too badly either. You can't have any credibility debating anything if all you do is scream you are right, everyone who disagrees is wrong. Following him off a cliff? How so? by thinking he deserves another year? yep that means I think he is god cuz you said so. BAAAAAAAA....too bad lemmings dont make a sound (insert here).
now there YOU go again.... just making stuff up as you go along. Where did I say he should be fired now?
i guess you don't know what 'implied' means. I think you not wanting Brady back for next year was more than implied once somewhere in this quote. lol Must I pick just one sentence? jeez man