I am more disturbed about how the hero was the inspiration/hero/role model to a huge number of young black males. A comic book hero as inspiration????? That’s worse than an NBA Star!
Number one there was no one and I will say it again to get it through your thick liberal scull, there was no one there at the building. Number two yes they were armed but its lawful to be armed. Number three since no person civilian or government official was at the building no one was threatened. Number 4 watch the last 20 minutes of the documentary and if you do why dont YOU justify how the Obama administration and his Eric Holders storm troopers handled this. As I mentioned before 80 men, women and children were murdered by yet another democrat administration and Janet Reno's goons. There was absolutely no reason those black clad goons needed to strom that compoud in Waco. Lastly Ruby Ridge was a flat out set up to take out a guy that under cover ATF agents worked on for 18 months to trick him into sawing off a shotgun one half inch below legal limit. Democrat Reno's black clad goons shot and kilked the guys pregnant wife and shot and his 10 year old son the back killing him to. The family lived secluded in a remote area of Idaho and was a threat to no one. Before you argue with me get the facts, you know nothing.
I don’t need to watch a documentary and be TOLD what to think. but that’s good that you could spin it. Shows that you don’t care about the constitution at all. You sound like a liberal right now. Cuck.
Our feelings should have no or little impact on your analysis of things. Likewise honesty in how you judge issues and using principles rather than emotion and blind loyalty make for better decisions Maybe you should take a deeper dive and leave your emotions behind when you look at a situation.
I had an argument with a fella yesterday about gender. I said there were 2. He said there are numbers from 0 to infinite. I then said, OK if that is the case, then I recognize 2. He said there is more than 2. I said, well then how many, he said 0 - infinite... (2 is on the sliding scale of 0-infinite, but he didn't care) He then told me gender is just a social construct. I was like sure, its not backed by science then. Its like talking to a fucking brick wall. Dude got pissed instantly. I told him I didnt care if "he" recognized 50, 1 or 1000 genders. I recognize 2. However, I didn't get the same respect back. I mean, I made the point that if it is a social construct, the community I live in recognizes 2....
"I don’t need to watch a documentary and be TOLD what to think. but that’s good that you could spin it." WOW you are brilliant! Apparently you are some kind of clairvoyant needing no information. Since you dont have to hear or see facts I you will tell me the holocaust didn't happen or we really didnt go to the moon.