I'm not nearly as concerned about Syria as I am about the federal government breaching the Constitution when it raided Cohen's office. Since when is it okay to violate attorney/client privilege when one has not been charged with a crime? Every American should be concerned at the growing invasion of our private lives by a corrupt government. They will get in your business, take away your rights, tax the hell out of you, and then cash their eternal paycheck. It's time to wake the eff up. Oh, and white men might find it concerning that one of the largest grossing movies in history has a black comic "hero" who focuses almost entirely on killing white people and only white people. Disney ruined Star Wars with their PC/BLM/MeToo bullshit and now Marvel is going the same direction.
this is the one where they led an armed occupation of a national forest refuge while pretending to be peaceful protesters because they wanted the federal govt to give up the national forest land. The Bundys were involved in this one too. I don't know how someone can bitch about a police state when they lead an armed occupation of a federal building.
Yeah that hero was a bad guy who got killed by the black comic hero that wants to share his country's technology with white people. So there is that. I feel safer now.
People should resist any attempt at expanding government - even if you are a believer in big government, even if "your guy" is in power - for one simple reason. Eventually your guy, or your party, will be out of power, and the other side will be able to wield the same power you granted for your guy.
You obviously either didnt watch the documentary or you are a big government lib. You probably thought it was OK to go into Waco and Ruby Ridge. Just another useful idiot for a future socialist state.
Why don’t you spin in it a way that doesn’t make it sound like they occupied a federal building and broke all kinds of laws. Because if you can, then you are part of the problem.
I bowled with Jeff Lebowski,.. Jeff Lebowski was a friend of mine,.. Senator, you are no Jeff Lebowski"
I think we have a real challenge for the future. Part is the drift of power to the executive as I first stated. We also have a tremendous shift of power from the states to Washington DC. This isn’t what Madison and the authors intended. The constitution expressly limited the power of congress and the 10th amendment reinforced that However continuous attack on this separation by Washington DC has eroded that separation and greatly expanded federal reach. The tool used has been the commerce clause. It has been used for good things such as desegregation but is now used invasively by several agencies so that today there is little the feds don’t touch. Much of this meddling by the feds has been for the worse. Can anyone say public education has improved since the Department of Education was established? There are many other examples we could list. Part of the centralizing effort has been through congressional or executive meddling but much has been through organic bureaucratic growth. Bureaucracies are like sharks they must keep growing or they die. As much as we need to rein in the growing power of the executive branch we need to redress the balance of power between state and federal governments. That has to come from the people demanding these changes. Unfortunately today the “people” seem to want to be taken care of. This is the exact opposite attitude our forefathers had. Without that change in outlook and expectations any mechanical change either will not happen or won’t work.