Since you people have such lax voter ID laws send me a link to the site where I can vote for you fpr President. Or King or Chief or whatever y'all are going to call the head of state. If you indeed have one at all.
you're not eligible to vote,.. you can send me a campaign donation, but keep it on the hush hush. We call him, "the dude"
EVERYBODY is eligible to vote on the left coast. I'll just say I identify as a trans-gender Cascadian. Send your bagman with some recreational vegetable matter and I'll send him back with the cash.
just got back with some, "Maui", some "Jack Herer" and some "White Grapefruit",.. mmm, the Herer, this is the one
The system is now is riddled with greed and lust for power. It’s a Is this the standoff where some ranchers were illegally grazing cattle and then took over a federal building like a bunch of terrorists and then were paraded as heroes? Or am I thinking of the other one?