If we are simulations then advanced future humans would have evolved as simulations too. Whatever it is there are as many possible answers and permutations of answers as there are stars in the universe. It might take me 2 bowls to figure this one out.
Personally i think we are base reality. Although we have no intuition for it. Either way i'm not gonna stop having sex & jerking off.
SCOTUS ruled against big labor today saying they can't force union dues on employees. What's sad is it was only a 5-4 decision. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-collect-mandatory-fees-from-non-members.html
Where are we going? A 28 year old scoialist beat a very left wing congressman in NY yesterday. She wants free college, free healthcare, guaranteed jobs basically free stuff for everyone and no border enforcement. She belongs to the group who sent out the people to harrass McConnell and his wife. Apparently very left wing is not good enough for democrats anymore.
If my kids were still of college age I would probably not send them to college but rather a trade school and have them start their own businesses. What's happening on college campuses is unbelievable. https://www.campusreform.org/index.cfm?id=9787 Try this Try this http://www.bamn.com One more https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/03/opinion/sunday/bruni-campus-inquisitions-evergreen-state.html
"They said it wouldn't happen, but it did: The money companies stashed overseas to protect them from high U.S. corporate tax rates is flooding back in, boosting growth, jobs and confidence in the economy. Thank the Trump tax cuts..... All told, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported, some $305.6 billion returned to the U.S. from overseas accounts. That's a $1.2 trillion annual rate, and far more than the $35 billion one year before. The BEA's analysts explain why this happened: "The large magnitudes (of inward capital flows) ... reflect the repatriation of accumulated earnings by foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational enterprises and their parent companies in the United States in response to the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." In short, the Trump tax cuts did it." https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/overseas-profits-return/