Another face of the democrats. New York AG suing Trump Fondation for whatever. We all know this is totally frivolous and all politics. Take a look at this thing that is a typical libtard one of America's finest
Yo Winston want to know where we are going? Libtards have succeeded in forcing high shools to let transgendered males to compete in girls sports. Funny how they are kicking girls asses in track etc., geeze boys are genetically better athletes than girls what a revelation! Dems and leftist are insane and will destroy this country if we allow them. Wake up sir Winston and see the reality of what democrats are doing to your country.
@Kikicaca i absolutely agree with you about the way too many of the left are pushing our society. They are destroying many of the foundations we need to continue to be a free and open society. Again if you’d bother you’ll see that I’ve been more critical and damning of HRC & Obama that anyone on this forum. Ask @shane0911 or @tirk or anyone. However there are many paths to hell. I believe the far right and Trump are on another equally destructive path. Trump and too many of his followers are attacking fundamental structures of our society be attacking the press, government agencies (FBI etc) and our allies as they are. It’s not that the MSN isn’t controlled by leftist sympathizers, they are. The attacks on the press and calls for arrest or silencing of journalists is wrong. The constant denigration of facts with lies as Trump does and his supporters blindly hew to is destructive. It’s one thing to attack politicians both personally and philosophically but another to undermine institutions of government particularly when Trump has nominated many of the people he’s criticized. The United States government is NOT Trump’s personal fiefdom. He is a servant of the people not the other way around. His appointees are not his employees but employees of the people and government of the United States. Rather that be forced to chose between two paths to damnation I’d rather find a third path to salvation. In this case I mean a return of the government to being of, by and FOR the people of the United States. That’s not a middle ground but follows 240+ years of tradition and beliefs held by the greatest of our forefathers.
All this rant about the evils of Trumps admistration should be directed at Obama and Hillary had she won. You are simply 100% wrong. You have it 100% ass backwards. Your so called fundamental structures need to be attackd cause they are the ones attacking and trying to bring down a duly elected president and this country. Your beloved press and beloved FBI are biased beyond belief. These precious allies you speak of have and are currently fleecing us on trade. They wont even except a no tariffs deal on either side offer, WHY? Simple put the people who voted for Trump were right and what Trump is doing is right. The people who voted for Obama and Hillary were totally wrong, the FBI is wrong, the MSM is wrong, Hollywood is wrong, left wing acedemia is wrong, BLM is wrong, Antifa is wrong, the so called allies who are fleecing us are wrong, the democrats are wrong and you are wrong. I will discuss any other subject with you except politics. Climate change yes, sports yes, food yes, music yes, history and everything else yes. No more politics since you have the gall to side with the FBI, the MSM and our cheating allies. If this is not obvious to you its hopeless. I am sure you are a nice guy and would sit down and break bread and have a beer with you as long as we do not discuss politics. Deal?
Probably best for you but understand Moe I’m not stopping to comment when I think appropriate. Whether you respond or not is up to you.
Netflicks has just banned it's employee's from looking at each other for more than 5 seconds! Tell me anyone tell me is this something a conservative would institute or a liberal? We all know the answer. Keep voting democrat
Can we all agree that cannabis being illegal was bought and paid for led by #BigPharma. And Millions of Americans needlessly suffer(ed) & some died because of it.
I have got a great recipe for chicken and sausage gumbo that very very simple to make if you ever want it. Its called "Jay's Tuesday Gumbo". Let me know if you want it amigo.
have got a great recipe for chicken and sausage gumbo that very very simple to make if you ever want it. Its called "Jay's Tuesday Gumbo". Let me know if you want it amigo.