TRUTH Religion aside...God (the creator) is real. Life is no accident. The first 9 chapters of Genesis is about creating, the fall, the choice of 2 paths (getting right with God and the path to total depravity) judgement, and new life. What you're describing is the path of total depravity that leads to destruction. We are rapidly heading down that path. You know, like Cain.
The harsh reality is that the US of A was set up and put in motion by relatively smart, educated and prosperous individuals. Human nature being as it is, I must believe they figured thats how things would putter along, everyone acting in accordance with the constitution and the Bill of Rights. Wow, look at the contrast with the mess we have today. The dotards in Washington lack the facilities to make the three way system work. We see, daily, the results of their intellectual and moral inadequacies. Sooner or later the system will implode, with a much simpler system emerging out the other side. Simple, may not be better.
we will eventually do away with the filibuster in the senate, thus only requiring a simple majority to pass legislation
Want to get depressed watch the documentary American Standoff especially pay attention to the last 20 minutes of the documentary. The documentary is about the standoff with the ranchers in Oregon. It is eerily like Waco and Ruby ridge in that the government sent hundreds of black clad goons who shoot a rancher in the back and kill him and then proceeds to shoot up a van with a 16 year old girl, a woman and an old guy in it as they scream for their lives. As with Waco and Ruby Ridge this was during the time when democrats were in power. This was during the Obama regime with that scumbag racist clown Eric Holder as the AG. If we start re electing democrats we are doomed and headed for a police state. Had Hillary won I think it would be over for us. The last 20 minutes is hard to watch.
FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting FBI told Oregon state police not to wear body cameras for 2016 stop of refuge occupation leaders
no,.. just as untrue as,.. All republicans are nazi racist shills for the industrialist elite. People are people, but all are different.. it's not as simple as red or blue, there are a million shades of purple, it's ridiculously unfair to slap gross generalizing labels on people,.. except for bama fans