This is the opinion throwing the latest Trump lawsuit in Pennsylvania out. Note the judge is a Trump appointee and member of the Federalist Society. One of the things Trump did right is appoint good judges and justices. Of course this may bite him in the ass.
damn barkleys swing is even worse now. this was where one of the obama judges had previously denied it. Rudy did a hell of a job today. this is why the SC nomination was so important.
Not really. All 3 of the appellate judges were republicans and the author a Trump appointee. Rudi was eviscerated.
I couldn't read it all, phone rang and I said screw it. Basically says they can do most anything they want. Only if you can prove specific voter fraud on specific ballots will any relief be granted. And that relief will be limited to only those ballots you can prove were fraudulent. I have no idea what the Supremes will do but it looks to me like these courts basically said the local and state elections commissions and staff can do anything they want. Including stuff the ballot box. I am convinced there was nefarious stuff going on in this election. There is way too much circumstantial evidence for it not to be. A lot of what happened violates commons sense and logic. It must be squared away. If it is not, the USA is over.
and in this case the Pennsylvania laws. These last minute changes were enacted by the Gov which he by law is not allowed to do. I know what the USSC will do, just have to get it there.