Don’t worry Twitter suspended his account so he’s probably crying home to mommy. Also they can’t organize if they can’t access Twitter
I can foresee an ugly scenario where the people getting blocked form their own armed convoy. I pitched gunbattle ensues. Biden sends in the National Guard to fight on the side of the antifa thugs. Many guardsmen refuse orders to fight against the Patriots but some will.
Is this your elevator pitch for a screen play you have been working on during covid? This plot has been written before.
HUGE: Trump Campaign Nevada Lawsuit Challenging Election Results Given Go Ahead for Depositions, Hearing Set for December 3 By Kristinn Taylor Published November 25, 2020 at 10:05am A Trump campaign lawsuit in Nevada filed last week challenging the election results has been given the go ahead for depositions by the Carson City court where the case was filed November 17. The suit seeks to have Trump declared the winner or that no electors be awarded due to fraud and irregularities. A hearing was set for December 3rd. Fifteen depositions each by the opposing parties, the Trump electors and Biden electors, are due by the hearing date. Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt speaks at press conference announcing Trump campaign lawsuit in Carson City challenging election results, November 17, file screen image Politico’s Josh Gerstein posted Tuesday night, “JUST IN: Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local. Will allow 15 depositions for each side between now and then. Atty is @SidneyPowell1’s co-counsel in Flynn case, @jbinnall…Binnall said part of the challenge is over the use of Agilis scanner and signature matcher. ‘It is important, for sure, but is far from the main meat of our challenge,” he said…We could see fight over secrecy relating to witnesses. Binnall said he wants a protective order b/c of threats, but idea that a presidential election challenge will be resolved based on secret testimony seems highly implausible. List of challenger witnesses due by 5PM local tomw” Well boys, theres not a new sheriff in town. We will stand pat.
Bill Krackomberger, a professional oddsmaker, reports that Las Vegas is not yet paying out on Election 2020 bets because they're predicting Trump is going to be President for four more years. Vegas knows! #Trump2020 #AuditTheVote
BREAKING: A PA judge has blocked the commonwealth’s efforts to certify the 2020 election results. Quote Tweet Ivan Pentchoukov @IvanPentchoukov · 16m NEWS: Pennsylvania judge blocks state from certifying election results in presidential and all other races.