So you do know how this works right? To have a case heard four of the nine have to agree to hear it. Let's take a look at that. Alito issues an order to Pa which they give him the finger and blatantly ignore...there's 1 Thomas - do I need to remind you what Biden did to him during his confirmation hearing? He also warned Pa about their hokie election business. #2 Gorsuch - I posted a statement from him just a week or so ago saying their next order of business would be determining what a legal vote was. Thats 3! Yeah you know whats coming next! The successor to the notorious one! John Roberts can blow it out of his liberal ass because we don't need him. He has ol Brett under his control for now but he will not go to the dark side when rubber meets the road!
not true, if you're going to split hairs, get your facts straight,.. clinton was impeached for lying to a federal grand jury