does this mean Biden isnt allowed on european soil with this indictment from the ukraine. Its been issued for months now. is this the real reason he is hiding. trumps gonna arrest him for sure anyhow. just think if obama and even hillary get arrested. we're gonna have one hell of a timeline.
Another 2 losses for Trump’s suits to overturn the election. Sidney Powell “krakened”
Louisiana joins Texas. This shit is going down. article 3- used when there is a conflict between 2 states. Texas and LA claim they changed the rules of the election without the approval of their legislatures. The founders were genius.
Robert Barnes @Barnes_Law · 1h The #texassuit is the strongest suit to contest the election. Who better to sue for a breach of the Constitution about how states pick a leader for them all than the original parties to the Constitution -- the states themselves? Also, only case that starts right at #SCOTUS.
Another female Chinese spy within our delegation. Representative Eric swalwell is compromised. Suspected Chinese spy reportedly slept with, courted US officials to gain intel By Mark Moore December 8, 2020 | 12:11pm | Updated