When did you as a Republican decide it was necessary that our president

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, Aug 26, 2023.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    again, this is because the idea the complexity can develop from chaos was very hard to understand before Darwin. now we understand how adaptation works. now we see that if, for example the world became much hotter, future humans would develop more efficient Cooling systems, more capillaries closer to the skin, larger ears to radiate heat maybe, whatever.

    animals adapt to their environment, they are not created and placed in the perfect environment. a camouflaged snake developed that camo over time, he wasn't just put there by god because god noticed he looks like leaves and it would be smart to make him hide by looking like leaves. the snakes that looked a bit like leaves lived longer and had more snakes, and of those the ones that looked like leaves had more, etc. we only recently started understanding natural selection, and how complexity evolves and adaptation works.

    so primitive cultures had no understanding of anything, they just made up the answers. they also thought evil spirits caused the flu or whatever. we don't need to think that anymore.

    so after Darwin one of the most vexing problems is answered, and you have less need to make up a god to explain everything.
  2. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Well, you're disagreeing with something commonly accepted by the most educated minds in this field, including atheist, theist, etc...So its futile to discuss further. The modern secular dogma is something else.

    BTW, quantum entanglement has been described as "kooky" and "spooky", and other things. How does entangled particles separated by billions of light years have an instant effect on each other? No one knows, and there is no human intuition for it. It defies belief, many never accepted the equations, said it must be hidden variables that we are missing. But they were wrong. Experiments proved beyond a doubt that it is real. No slight of hand. One of many "kooky" things that humans can't comprehend.

    Also, it should be called the Fermi Observation, not Paradox. We have been scanning across the Universe, billions of years into the past and there is nothing. No seemingly artificial or intelligent transmission. It's silence. The Universe is fine tuned to allow for intelligent beings and in this Universe we are, it seems, the only planet with intelligent beings. I think that this was all put here for us, intelligent design, looking at the data with an open mind.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
    shane0911 likes this.
  3. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    If you equate a Universe that allows for intelligent beings to nearly all other possible Universes that do not, mostly scattered radiation, no matter, a few that are lifeless blobs of matter floating about, etc, ... then sure. I don't. I think life is a pretty special thing.

    Also, i like Star Trek too, but you really do need carbon for life because of its special properties. Spock was full of shit. Possibilities for life are not what you think. And a Universe that could allow for it are - we discussed that already. And , as mentioned to Martin, "We have been scanning across the Universe, billions of years into the past and there is nothing. No seemingly artificial or intelligent transmission. It's silence. The Universe is fine tuned to allow for intelligent beings and in this Universe we are, it seems, the only planet with intelligent beings. I think that this was all put here for us, intelligent design, looking at the data with an open mind."
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2023
  4. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    we have scanned a tiny percentage of the universe. effectively we have scanned none of it.

    there is no evidence the universe is fine tuned for anything.

    we cannot say with any degree of certainty whatsoever that we are the only planet with intelligent beings.

    based on no evidence, you have feelings.
    you know nothing about other universes and what life they may or may not have

    I meant to say you were calling things "quack" not "kooky", I was mocking you for describing my ideas as a "quack theory". if my theory that we don't know where things came from is a quack theory, then a magic man did it is even quackier.
    no I am not. there is not a widespread belief that the universe is fine tuned for intelligence.
  5. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    Then i wonder why Fermi made the observation? He was a pretty smart guy. Radio signals from an alien civilization should be glaring. When our radio waves reach aliens civilization it should be like a punk rock band arriving. Like the scene in Dumb&Dumber when Lloyd makes the most annoying sound in the world. Fermi knew this. Modern 'real' Experts as well - and they are scratching their heads. Talking head physicist say a lot of crap.

    Penrose gave the odds of a Universe tuned for life at 10^10^123. Other experts similar odds. We have different definition of fine tuning.
    We know many of the parameters that define a Universe. And these parameters have a wide range where they can be tuned. Most all of these possible variations cannot support molecules, matter, much less life. - according to our most educated on this. But here we are.

    magic is just something that you don't understand. Like quantum entanglement
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    again is a made up assertion. why do these aliens broadcast anything? humans are pretty smart and only started using radio like 150 years ago or whatever. or maybe they are so far away the radio signals haven't arrived. or maybe they simply don't care about radio and use some sort of quantum other thing instead

    these odds are made up

    we don't know that. perhaps there are other sorts of molecules or life. perhaps molecules can actually supported in a way you hadn't considered.

    but the magic man in question is made up.

    my point here, which should be apparent, is that basically every assertion made about this is made up and based on unkowns.
  7. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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