1. i understand that if we look at the relative motion of everything, it appears we are expanding from a single point. all mass of the universe was at this point. in my mind the existence of anything means there is a universe, its just compact.

    i dont think we need to argue about who created the universe, because its not clear at all that it requires having a creator.

    and again, if god doesnt require a creator, why should the universe? if you are willing to imagine the existence of something that required no creator, why limit it to just god?

    we could do that equation, but every variable would be made up, except the fact that we exist.
  2. Says time.

    If there was no point before time then nothingness was before time.

    How else would you slice it other than an existence outside of time?

    Time is a unit of measurement only within the 3 dimensions we can observe. So the only other option is a dimension we can’t measure.
  3. Maybe the a question is what is nothing? Nothing is an idea? An idea is something?

    Death might be the only answer. No mind has cracked this answer.
  4. ok well that's great I guess, how do I get to the part about all this meaning god exists or any conclusion about anything?

    I don't know that there was nothingness or "non-time" or "pre-time" at any point or really even what that means. seems like all of this leads to not knowing anything. yunno, atheism.
  5. well certainly lots of people claim they have the answers to all this god exists outside of time, he is the alpha and the Omega, before the universe, he was there, I guess thinkin about what a kickass universe he was gonna create. and then "in the beginning", whenever that is, god created the heaven and earth, a presumably lots of other planets. and even if you are born on another planet and sinned, like if you got a blowjob before marriage, that's ok, because god made a mini me of himself and had him sent to earth to be tortured to death by Jews. what a relief! now glorx of planet omicron delta blonk can still go to heaven even after getting blown
  6. That works too.

    However, I’m more focused on discovering the aliens that built the pyramids.
  7. Sure, you could just say that everything in the universe existed on a point, a near infinitely hot and dense point for all time, and then suddenly expanded rapidly to form trillions of galaxies. Or you can propose a cyclical Universe (evidence does not support). Or other bizarre crap. Or you can side with logical reasoning and the data, and prevailing theory, and theorize that it was suddenly created.

    that the universe was created is almost certain. How do you think it happened?

    We can see the creation of the Universe, quack theories aside, that's why the universe requires a creator. A supreme being is outside of our universe, transcendent. It's nonsensical to ask who created an eternal being.

    Here's what the evidence supports, 13.8 billion yrs ago the universe was created. And created in a perfectly tuned way against astronomical odds to support life. Why did this happen?
  8. Surely god is possible. We can create digital air worlds now.
  9. I also think it’s important to separate god from religion.
  10. well bing bang is based on measurements that show everything expanding from a single point. its just a theory bud, I have no clue.

    when you say the prevailing theory, the logical data shows that the universe was suddenly created, I don't think that is correct. suddenly created from what? anti-time and ant-existence?

    what am I, some sort of extra magic Einstein? I dunno where anything is from. I dunno that the universe was created or always existed or anything really. I disagree that its creation is "almost certain". I think this is all unkowns

    that logic doesn't make sense. we can see the creation of universe? I dont agree that we can, and don't agree that things need to have a creator, and you agree, don't you? god doesn't have a creator, does he?

    astronomical odds? how do you know the odds?

    I know the "rare earth" argument, that a planet needs to be X far away from a star to have liquid water and enough carbon and enough X and Y and maybe a moon to protect it from asteroids and stuff. for all I know there are infinite planets like this that are even more conducive to life, carbon based or otherwise.

    also don't agree that the universe is necessarily 13 billion years old, and I know how this is calculated, its by reversing the path of the expanding universe to contract into the singularity and seeing how long that would take.

    I really don't even understand what it means to have a lack of a universe. what is space if its nothing? can a place not exist? before the universe expanded into where it is, what was there before? a lack of a place to be? what does that mean?