Sad news today people. Clouds came in and covered the sun. It kinda rained for nearly a minute and I had to put on a long sleeve shirt. Here is the good news! Winter is over and tomorrow we return to our regular mode of climate perfection. If you want to read my book "prettyfuggingreatweather" please send your donation of $20.00 to I had to piggyback the website cuz I didn't get no upfront scratch, ya know. That is all.
[MEDIA][/MEDIA] This, for a week. Payback for all the sh!t talkin, I guess... When they call for 6 to 8 inches here we get flash floods, mudslides, sink holes, busted pipes and raised water rates.
why do i get the feeling you have a sh*t eatin grin on your face right now. and bayou bengal will too as soon as he sees this thread.:hihi: