We have one week every winter like the week that starts tomorrow. Forecast upper 20's but clear as a bell for the next two mornings. Thursday the precip gets here, but since its not going to freeze we don't get snow, just rain to make the cold even more miserable. Then it clears up again for two more dry days in the low 20's. I just don't think its fair to have to get temps like that every year, but snow only about every 20 years. (last snow here was Christmas day of '06, then in January of '88 before that)
no thank you. i can tolerate the heat down here. yeah it suck during June through September, but I can't stand to be cold. when fishing, if it's sweltering hot and miserable, I can jump in and cool off. if it's our typical "winter" type weather, it is cold, raining, and windy. there is no way to warm up from that except setting the boat on fire.
You're describing North Texas pretty well. I couldn't believe how hot the summers are, and well, this week just speaks for itself. Add in being in the line of fire in Tornado Alley, and it's lots of fun in the spring/fall, too!
Our visit to that area a couple summers ago for a Rangers game was some of the most intense heat I have ever experienced. I swear I felt waves of heat pounding my head.
I would take the humidity in South Louisiana all day over the 100+ degree heat in Texas. It's blazing--and the wind is often blowing hard during the summer, too, so it's like sticking your head in an oven. ...but you don't sweat as much in it.
I can't stand winter and cold temperatures. The only time I like snow is when it gets me out of work. Same here. I always tell people when I'm hot I'm just uncomfortable- sweating, nasty. But when I'm cold I'm actually in pain! Fingers numb, bone chilling, teeth chattering... no fun. I'm moving to Aruba! :thumb:
cold is much better than hot. with cold, you can always put on a sweater or some gloves. but heat makes you a filthy sweating mess. as long as it stays above 20 or so cold isnt a huge issue. but the heat of baton rouge is ridiculous. i cant stay hydrated there. i walk from my car to work and i come in already sweating. it is almost never too cold in baton rouge. but it is too hot for months.
That about sums it up. Nothing worse than opening the door and walking into 90 degree weather with 97% humidity. It's like walking into a wall, as if air almost becomes solid matter.
I totally disagree. Cold hurts. Personally, I have a condition called Raynaud's disease. Essentially, when I'm in the cold, blood flow is cut off to my hands and feet. This can happen in 45-50 degrees quite easily for me. Essentially, I get frostbite when martin is happy riding his bike in his speedo. This is what my hands look like after 15-20 min of exposure to cold. Mine are more like the top left pic.