snowing. not bad and not sticking to the roads cause they are so warm. but still...... after 80+ degrees just a few days ago, this sucks.
About 37 degrees and rainy here. Same for tomorrow. You Baton Rouge folks better have some spring waiting for me when I arrive on Saturday!
today ain't too bad so far, but Terrebonne Parish got drilled last night. several co-workers received a lil hail. sh!tpot of strong wind last night, and a year's worth of rain. some street flooding in Houma, but once again, the bayou towns handle the torrential downpour much better than the city did. maybe one day these Houma azzholes will realize that, and quit talking sh!t about "lower terrebonne" flood problems.
We're anticipating a strong cold front to blow through around noon. Temps near freezing by tomorrow morning with 40 - 45 mph north winds.
60-75 Today. Currently 65 and partly cloudy. The ground is still wet from the rain yesterday and last night. Expecting more storms through the area tonight but they will be gone by tomorrow afternoon. Getting down to 40 tomorrow night and 37 Sunday... so much for the nice warm sun.
was in the mid 40's when i woke up and in the mid 30's now. thunderstorms are starting to hit (its been raining and yucky all morning) now, and will turn into snow/snow storms this evening as the temperature drops. i am not happy!
Pretty surreal driving around BR in LSu area today. Some of the streets look a lot like they did after Gustav. Wow, I can't believe all fo the damage from the past couple of nights!