Jambalaya, jambalaya, jambalaya. When I get tired of chicken and sausage jambalaya, I make a shrimp and tasso jambalaya. Good stuff.
Pulled, smoked pork BBQ ......... homade potato salad ....... grilled sausage & rolls .....Dickel & branchwater.
After calling all these folks corndogs on the AU board, I don't think they give a Sh*t what your favorite tailgate food is. Naivete! cadillacattack Registered User Posts: 1289 (2/22/04 9:19:24 pm ) Corndog thread: Hating AU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really didn't realize that LSU fans consider Auburn the team they most love to beat, but check out the attached thread on the LSU Forum: http://www.tigerforums.com/showthre...&threadid=13994 Too bad they're about 4th on Auburn fan's list behind Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Otherise it would be quite THE rivalry. ....sniff....sniff.....what's that I smell? "Illegitimus non Carborundum"
and one more thing mista war eagle or crimson tide....here is a spelling test....whose grandfather was the da.....whose father went to tennessee....who went to ole miss.....i believe it is spelled....b l o o m.....go away from me ........ (may have left off a letter but don't care....)
Hey, you got some Buffalo connections? I've got some friends up there and I've visited a few times. Great wings. I saw Bruce Smith make a sack against New England. I swear that was the wildest football game I have ever been too. Those fans get drunk and nasty, and when they lose, they want to fight. I was in the upper deck next to the Patriot fans, who happened to be stomping the Bills, I'll never forget it. One Bill fan grabs this Pat's hat and runs to the top and hangs it over the rail, I'm sure the Pat thought the guy was just messing with him, and went up to get it. The guy lets it go and bam, there's a fight. Some guy has his kid with him and he gets in a fight, unreal. They do some serious tail getting up there too. Lot's of fun.
With a name like cadillacattack, you don't know if he is AU/UA? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: