Weed should be legalized and taxed. Just the same as liquor, tobacco and coffee. Hard drugs should not be legalized, just decriminalized. Harsh penalties would remain for drug trafficing, but we would stop locking up citizens for possessing small amounts for personal use. Do like Britain, where addicts can register with the government as addicts and receive free methadone or whatever, counseling and treatment instead of locking them up at great expense. This deprive the traffickers of a huge market, street prices collapse, and the profit motive for drug trafficing is reduced.
That sounds about right. I had forgotten about Stadol. I had that when I was in labor with child #1. It certainly did make the epidural go easier. They could've run a red-hot stake up my spine, and I wouldn't have cared a bit.
I agree. Pot is harmless with real pharmaceutical applications. The rest aren't but as free society you should be able to put whatever you want into your own body without fear of being locked up to never see the outside again, unless you're slangin on the streets. But then again notjing has changed the landscape of entire neighborhoods like crack and heroine.
But just think if there was a controlled place a crackhead could go and smoke some rock. I mean they already do it with methadone. Maybe street crime would go down, in fact I bet it would.
Street crime would go down just by the legalization of drugs simply because most crime in the drug trade is over protecting turf and killing over drug debt and expanding in to newer areas.
True, but an addict with no money who is dope sick would think nothing of robbing a convenience store for a fix. Then again, if all drugs were legal, I have to think security would be a priority at any establishment that sells them.
And that's the issue. Heroine, crack, meth... those items tend to change a users mindsetmand make peopke do things they ordinarily wouldn't do. Not sure the synthetic man made stuff should be legal for that reason alone.
Stuff harder than weed should not be legal...period. I understand personal freedom but those addicts have shown time and time again that they infringe on other people's freedoms. I totally disagree with "legalize it all" arguments. They're crazy in my opinion.
Not if you get them at government clinic after registering as an addict as they do in Britain. It keeps working people from taking advantage of the law to get cheap drugs. They will get fired if they register as addicts. But the true addicts who are now stealing to pay street prices won't have to do that anymore.