Pizza party!! Then after our neighbors put their kid to sleep we're taking over his jump house!!! The little one's birthday party is tomorrow but the big kids are playing in it tonight!!
Saturday night...Game on Tigervision, having friends over.... Zapps and dip Cheddar Corn Chowder Cibatta bread Salad Abita, Shiner (for the locals) Vodka Martinis Some Cream Cheese/cake square things that I'll make an attempt to make
ABOMINATION! Pick up some good gin, a jar of olives (or even better, get some from an olive bar), jar of pickled pearl onions and make 'em the way God intended!!!!
I'm the only one in my crew who likes Gin. Okay, I. love. Gin. Gin gin gin I love gin. Watch it go down. Down into my belly. Everyone else thinks it tastes like pine trees. They are insane. I didnt think about going to an olive bar...good sugestion :thumb: Does anyone remember Zatarans spiced olives (unsure if that's the correct name), but they were green olives w/seeds that were bottled with pickling spices. My NOLA granny always had a couple of jars for me when I'd go visit. I'd sneak the jar so i could drink the olive juice. She said that she can't find them anymore. She only shops at Zuppardo's, so this may be why. Anyway, if they are still around I'd love to find out where I can get them.
Check the Spec's in midtown. If anybody has those olives, it's them. And if they don't have 'em, I can assure you they have some great other ones. Of course gin has a floral flavor. That is, after all, what makes gin gin. And stirred, not shaken. I can't believe Bond got that one wrong. I'm sure there are folks here that get it wrong too though. :hihi: