Barbecued chicken and goat (leftover from the sacrifice) Oh yea and some beef that's been .....WELL smoked !!!!!
tonight is leftover friend chicken from the sacrifice, but its aready planned that tomorrow is bevo steaks!
We had pizza from the Pastime. a large Papa Joes--pepperoni, hamburger, onion, mushroom, and jalapeno.
The souls of Longhorns fans, topped with their hopes and dreams, wrapped in bacon and served with a beurre blanc sauce... and rice.
polish dogs with mustard and sauerkraut. my god-children are in town for a few more days and there was a cook out for them this afternoon. on the hottest day of the year so far!
we were 106 today. 92 as of 10:50pm so it cooled off pretty quickly after the sun went down at 9pm. how hot did ya'll get?
Kyle, the meat thermometer in the kitchen that I stuck to my (LSU football championship) baseball hat varied between 120 degrees and 130 degrees. Not bad since the outside temp was around 95 degrees at 10:00 am. Lots of heaters in the kitchen.
It's only about 20 degrees hotter than outside air. and that temp is only where I work in front of the stove. Move away from my station and it's not so bad. I'm soaked though. I go out in the back and wring out my shirt every once in a while. I lose about 2 or 3 pounds during the shift, I think.
I can only stand those temperatures with the worlds most powerful fan blowing on me from about three feet away.