i did too. that looks like a nasty thing to do to a soft delicious kkd. btw, no mustard on the coney. but it did have onions.
I can't stand raw onions, which is odd because I grew up in a house with people who LOVED them. C'mon, Cali, pick on my food preferences again...
I-2-I on this one. I am a raw onion phobe but in a recipie, cooked makes all the difference. Can't have a gombo without the trinity. Chili cheese dogs without mustard? Just as soon eat tofu as I am pretty sure I am of a few that carry this torch. I have been told pecan brittle is pretty good. :grin:
Mustard on a chili dog? I've never heard of such a thing. Chili and cheese only. Maybe a few green onions. No mustard.
Repeat after me. No Cheese Whiz on a chili dog, no Cheese Whiz on a chili dog. Chopped onions, darlin' . . . onions.
Chili Dogs- Nathan's hot dogs boiled in beer Toasted buns Topped with Chili, shredded cheese and green onions
Had chili dogs for dinner last night... grilled dogs, toasted buns, chopped white onion, ketchup, mustard, (artery clogging)wolf brand chili and shredded cheddar.... not sure why my stomach was bubbling this AM????