Sure I'd like to be a CEO of some Oil or Energy Company. However, for pure fun. I'd love to be a modern day Jacques Cousteau out at sea exploring and having fun. Being a secret agent with a license to kill would kick ass too.
I've met one guy who gets manicures. His said his dad does the same thing. These people where insane multi-millionaires that live in a house three times as big as the biggest mansion I've seen in Louisiana. Any other guy here get manicures?
I got out of my hijack, the owner of the thread took over!!! This doesn't count to my hijack count now does it???
Well, it doesn't have to be a "job," just a dream lifestyle (for example, one girl I'm great friends with always had the the dream "job" of getting married and staying at home and raising children, which is what she is pursuing right now with her life). Being the baseball bum is cool, as Bull Durham showed. Any girls on here who dreamed of being the rock star groupie? Of all my favorite portrayals of the rock star groupie, I have to admit that the VH1 documentary on Motley Crue in the 80's was the best. Someone told me the move "Rock Star" (whatever the movie with Marky Mark was) was very similar, but I never saw it. Any guys or girls on here dream of being a rock star?
The Jacques Cousteau is very unique. Good one. I assume you've been scuba diving before and love it? I myself have never got to do it. As for the James Bond thing, I'm surprised it took so long for someone to bring that up as a dream job. People that are close to me have seriously pursued being FBI agents, Secret Service agents, and Border Patrol officers. A girl I dated was a federal agent, she'd do stuff like ride up by herself on a federal boat to to a foreign vessel and demand entry in the name of the U.S., and they had to bow down to her. It was pretty cool having a girl crushing on me that I'd get to see in her black Federal agent combat outfit, complete with her gun belt and her glock. EDIT: oh yeah, the handcuffs as well
So your dream job is being Bill Gate's wife? J/k. Being a rich philanthropist who gives all his money to noble causes, while not pursuing a life of luxury for himself, is one of the most noble dream jobs I can imagine.