Well, I'd assume they were just for my own safety. I'd hope for a captain that pushes the limit when it comes to throwing people overboard... making it a wild ride. Shame he doesn't have the brass pole, however.
WARNING: HIJACK I went on a date with a guy that was a baseball scout for the astros(I know not the same thing but whatever it reminded me of it) Anyway he picked me up and my friend called me at the same moment and had a flat. She was a street away from us so we went to help. We got there and our other friend was there also. He was in the middle of changing the tire and got the flat off and asked my date to throw the flat in the trunk. His response: "I would but I just got a manicure and I don't want to mess it up!" This isn't a joke! I about threw up and picked up the tire myself and put it in the trunk. The date ended there, I went out with her...seriously I thought I guy that was about sports would be a tad more manly then that! The girls had a good time that night retelling that story!
That one is very unique. Good one. I do think the whole horsing racing thing is very fascinating, although I pretty much know nothing about it, unfortunately.
Toughest business I can imagine. I have owned 6 horses so far. Only one made it to the track, and she broke her leg in her first race. Horse 6 was set to race this week and caught pnemonia sp?. He is set back another month or so. Other 4 couldn't cut it, so I got rid of em before I wasted any more money. But once you get there, it like a 2 minute high that you can't get enough of.
so its ok for women to hunt and fish, change tires and change their oil but one poor metro-fag has his nails done and its all over. poor fella. and what the hell is an astros recruiter.
Actually that is a good point, but seriously if I brought him to a tailgate and he wouldn't open his own beer in fear that he would mess his nails up what would you think???:grin: EDIT: The sad thing is he was HOT!!! And was gonna introduce me to Biggio (so he said) and that has always been my all time favorite baseball player so I was really trying to let it go.
Being a PGA Tour Caddy would be pretty sweet too. Or the actual tour would suffice. If pay were adequate the most incredible job would be The Sound Off editor in the newspaper. Plus, in many papers they get to include "Editor's Notes" below the selected entry and make comments. It is kind of like being on TigerForums following tiga but getting paid for it.
i would think he needs to learn how to open a beer without messing up his nails. i mean seriously. i would hope he would know you use something else for leverage, or bring a beer that requires a bottle opener anyway.:rolleye33: :hihi: oh, and being a baseball bum is what i want to do with my life. tho i dont think thats considered a job. :hihi: