I have a bigger problem with them being paid enormous sums of money to leave companies that they have driven into the ground. If they do a great job for the company, I see no reason their salary should not reflect that. Granted, CEO salaries are on a different level, but none the less this logic cannot be applied across other business positions. Everyone likes making money. It is a reward & sign of success just as much as it as a way to live luxuriously. Good for him. Money doesn't drive me, but I do plan to enjoy it. Sure, Buffet's multi-million dollar donation to Bill Gate's foundation appears more socially conscious, but I'll be helping drive our economy, which is also important.
That sounds like a dream job. Like the brass pole touch. I assume that would just be for aerobic lessons? In Louisiana, there are guys whose careers are running charter boats for deep sea fishing. Unfortunately, I've never gotten to go deep sea fishing (anyone want to take me?), but everybody I know who has done it makes it sound like heaven.
You beat me to it! John, if you do go with Nootch, don't let him make you wear the cement tennis shoes.
Good one. I'd love the job, of course, but I personally am not good enough. Dinardo did better than I would ever do, Saban did better than I would ever do, and what Miles has done, quite frankly, has been insane.
That would be an awesome job. Jerry Maquire was a pretty good movie. I have several friends who sincerely dream of being sports agents. Yet, I think that's something I wouldn't be that good at.