Yes, I do have a problem with that but its not a fair comparison. Iraq spending will be substantially less as time goes on and has an end point. Health care is forever.
We've had two years of ideas without substance. Your excuse can only work so long before it loses steam. It's like blaming Bush for everything that doesn't work in this administration. You can use it once in a while but when it's used daily, it loses all credibility. Last night was 45 minutes but over the last few months it has been speech after speech totalling numerous hours and yet still few details. Maybe he should stop the quick speeches and put a little more thought into the plan. Simply put...he thought the numbers in Congress and his cute little comments would slide this through without problems. He didn't consider that many Democrats and Independents would have questions and didn't expect the conservatives to take a grass roots approach like the liberals often do. He's using scare tactics right now in this speech. You know...the same thing he's been accusing the Republicans of. So far, this speech has said nothing.
Amazing how many republicans think that protesting the goverment is patriotic now to, kemosabe. Besides, all I was saying is that the costs of the war was kept off the budget during the previous adminstration, and now it's not.
In a nutshell... I have no plan... So you should agree with me... And everyone else believes in a conspiracy theory... And by the way, let me slam the previous administration to try to help myself... Another typical arrogant, non-substance speech. GOD help us!
He did say that he was going to implement an idea the Bush Administration had, and gave them credit too.
When it comes to politicians you wont get any argument from me that both parties waste far too much money on special interests. Regarding the war...I'll vote to spend a trillion dollars to protect this country before voting to spend a single dime on a social program designed to buy votes.
Can you blame him? He won an election not on plans and ideas but on "hope" and "change". More of the same. The speech was embarassing. Just one detail about how this works economically speaking would be appreciated. Just one.
Most people (regardless of party) seem to agree that we need some sort of reform. Obama seems to be considering moving back to the middle but the Pelosi crew will have no part of that. If you want to attract conservatives and moderates...and their own Blue Dogs, Obama needs to tell Pelosi and Reid to STFU and let him move forward. As soon as he appears to attempt to be bi-partisan, he makes comments to accuse people of lying and being stupid. I'm sorry sir...I may not be a genius but I know I'm a hell of a lot smarter than many of his voters.