I vote B. The pink elephant sitting in the corner is the enormous bill that our President says wont add to the debt. Does anyone really believe that?
In Obama World anything is possible. The plan is to save money by reducing Medicare/Medicaid waste and taxing "the rich". Are you telling us that after all this time, you knew how to cut $500 billion in waste and didn't do anything? And taxing the rich? Oh yeah, they'll just eat that in order to help America. Wait, you don't think that the increased taxes will somehow be passed on to us, the consumers? Nah..that's never happened.
That Address to congress was the funniest thing i have seen in a long time. not the address itself, just watching about 30% of the people in the crowd squirm and shrivel in their chairs, while the other 70% stood and cheered. I never knew these things could be so comical.
That's the most exercise Hillary has had in 10 years. Could her suit have been more red? The weren't squirming. They were stupefied by the BS they were hearing.
We're about to get another address on health care in a few minutes. Could this one be any different than the previous?
We could do lke the previous administration did with the cost of the Iraq war, which was just not count it as debt. Did you have a problem with that?
No we should just call everything an "injustice" and then ram it down the throats of the people who actually work and pay taxes. How's that Afghanistan "non-war" working out for you? :hihi:
How is a 45 minute speech not going to be light on details? It would take hours to go into specifics. The devil's always in the details.
Just how big do you think this pool of anti-working tax dodgers is? It's a lot smaller than you think. The costs for the wars are now on the budget books, so what are you talking about?