:lol::lol: i havent kept up the last 2 weeks. whats this trigger option crap? a bailout plan-e? has he used his william jefferson and hillary rodham trump card yet? i heard he was going to bring them on board if the ship completely capsized. oh and i voted for the vague option based on everything hes done to this point even w/o knowing the horse rule.
A trigger would pave the way for public option to come into place only after certain market conditions are met -- mainly if private insurance companies are unable to achieve various metrics for coverage within a certain time frame. It's all about where the triggers go. Republicans and democrats have very different ideas about that. There is a trigger in the Bush administrations $10 Trillion unfunded Medicare part D program and, to this date, the conditions have never been met for a public option for prescription drug coverage. The standards were set by private market, all but ensuring that they would remain unreachable. Progressive officials working on health care reform worry that should the same system be put in place for insurance coverage, the same result will occur and public health care will never come to pass.
i appreciate the effort to explain it. it still sounds complicated to me. who exactly pulls the trigger? the person who has crappy private insurance, when they are not getting proper treatment? the government, when the private companies are not doing a good job? the private companies when they do not want to insure a fat diabetic retard with cancer? cant we just appoint sabanfan insurance czar and never think about it again? i dont like this issue it has too many factors.
And the answer is....he waffled. As expected, he said he wanted the public option but was open to other ideas. Code for trigger option. I think it was a pretty good speech but there is one thing he said that Americans on both sides do not believe. He said it wont add one penny to the deficit. Sorry, but this is not going to wash with anyone. The polling shows even the most ardent Dems dont believe that. For anyone to buy in he has to show exactly where the 900 billion is coming from. Its not good enough to say we will cut waste in other areas. He better plan on showing those numbers in detail or we are exactly where we were yesterday. Another weird thing he mentioned was the Iraq war. What exactly does that have to do with a health care speech? Thought that was pretty strange.
I love it that we can cut waste, to pay for other things. How bout just cutting the waste!!!!!!!! Nah, that wouldn't help much...
Not strange at all. It was a shot at the prior administration. I still don't know how he plans to pay for this. The speech was condescending to the GOP and I think he did nothing toward fostering cooperation. I don't know any more than I did before the speech including that Obama can look you in the eye and lie through his teeth.
I do know we provided over $150,000,000 last year in unfunded care at my hospital. At the same time we are faced with reduced payments by various government programs. The Hospital District (county) gave us $17,000,000 to meet our mandate to provide that coverage. Just have a bad feeling that in the end all that will happen is that people will be told to expect more, the funding to adequately to do the job will not be there, and the blame will get transferred.
I voted "vague" as there hasn't been much substance to anything this administration has discussed in the past two years. (counting the debates, etc.) I'm still not sure if a) they just don't have the answers, or b) they don't want to tell the whole story...but either way we rarely know where we're headed. I think this is one reason people doubt what they're told by this administration. This was supposed to be the speech that clarified everything you ever wanted or needed to know about health care. It that sense...it FAILED! Having a demonic, grinning Pelosi sitting behind Obama doesn't help him at all. The tough approach also gave the impression that he's not interested in hearing anyone's opinion and he's ready to force something down our throats. I may have missed it but where was the discussion about how the Blue Dog Democrats feel. He's made this very partisan when in fact, there are many Democrats who oppose the Pelosi and Reid plans. Cutting waste ($) and taking less ($) from taxpayers Cutting waste ($) and giving more ($) to unproductive people :nope: Cutting waste ($) so politicians can find more waste (pork)($) o: STOP PELOSI NOW!!!
It will be against the law to deny coverage for a pre-existing condition? Suppose you are 40 years old and have no health insurance. You get diagnosed with lung cancer. You fill out an application for insurance stating that you were recently diagnosed with cancer. The insurance company calculates your future medical costs at $1.2 Million. With the cancer, your life expectancy has been reduced from 32 years to 10 years. What premium would the insurance company have to charge to make coverage economically feasible? $10,000 a month would be the break even point. Yeah, that'll work.:dis: