It was more tongue in cheek than sarcasm but however you want to slice it. You can "EL OH EL" all you want, at least he sees the danger in this clown running the greatest country on the planet!
I used to think Beck was an off beat character but his predictions on many of the issues we are seeing now have been quite insightful. He predicted the pitfalls in this shameful health care bill almost line by line. Beck is no clown.
No, there are several cops there in uniform and they work OT details through the dept. However it wouldn't matter if he were hired on the side and was out of uniform. He is an officer of the law and took an oath to uphold the law.
Beck makes a point every now and again but, he is 1 black helicopter sighting away from being a raving nutjob. I don't think this is government censorship. If it were would we have ever head the story at all? I think this is a story of a cop doing as he was told and using his own political agenda to justify it.
You're not familiar with how it works. If they are hired for an off duty detail and in uniform they represent the Baton Rouge Police Dept. I've worked with many an off duty BRPD officer. If you're in uniform you are a policeman.