It's a beautiful song, but definitely depressing. I've always thought it would be a nice song to play at a funeral.
No he was always on the road and I'm not sure what the relationship was with his sister or her daughter at the time. I don't think they were speaking a bunch
Was her Mom's name Tina? Last time I saw Bobby was when I went home for a funeral probably 20 years ago. Wasn't the same Bobby I grew up with.
It depends on when you are listening to it. If your are at a club drinking and partying with your buds and the band transitions from Panama to Dust in the a Wind it can be a downer. If you are picking out tile for the kitchen and your wife is freaking out because you can't find any that match the granite or some other such first world problem, the song is rather nice. I guess as a non-believer, it is a bit of confirmation warm fuzzies much like Amazing Grace is for others. Oh and the next time you are on a plane in a thunderstorm and it is rocking like crazy, just purse your lips and whistle. That Monty Python tunes tends to pull me out of my drama state. "Some things in life are bad. They can really make you mad..."
I don't know, I went to Paula's mom's house once, I think it was in Sulphur or close to it. She wasn't there so I didn't get to meet her. Hell I was 16 and she was 23 or 24. I was so far out of my league I couldn't think straight.