Everybody has an off night and Bowe had one. Three dropped passes and a personal foul for coming off the bench to celebrate Bennie's TD. He also missed some key blocks that I saw in the replays. Blocks that would have sprung another Tiger for major yardage. It just wasn't his night. But Bowe has been a damn good reciever for the Tigers and the coaches and the QB need to keep their confidence in him. He will be back and we will need him.
bowe seems to have a problem positioning himself and catching the ball simultaneously. poor form, poor technique usually. half the time he ends up sliding anyway. not sure what his deal is. oh and the same dumbass ref who called that penalty on Bowe stood and watched Kelly stand over skyler and taunt him long after that big hit. it was good to see kelly get practically knocked out just a couple plays later. I thought Nutt was gonna have to call an EMT. whos that little stout bastard on arkansas' d-line....umbawunja or jumangi or something. he was the hardest hitter on the field and is the dude who knocked addai out of the game. he musta been a wrestler or something.
I'd like to see our WRs catch more passes with their hands. Buster Davis is the only one who does this really well. There is a time to cradle to ball into your chest when in traffic, but too many times the ball will simply bounce off their pads.
We need to throw the ball to Buster Davis a whole lot more. He is our most reliable receiver on the team. If its in his area he will catch it.