What is up with LSU fans?!?!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by dallaslsufan, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. tiger fan 2001

    tiger fan 2001 Founding Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Actually I wasn't going to respond to this post but after I closed out I started thinking and agree with STRIPES. I live in the Lafayette area and while most of the people pull for both schools there are some that have an attitude towards LSU. Not the other way around, although many LSU fans speak out of frusration since they are tired of hearing USL's crap.

    Most LSU fan's don't care about USL. They are too busy cheering on all the LSU sucesses.
  2. tigerlaw

    tigerlaw Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Interesting thing I found on the ULL board:

    Louisiana Baseball Rankings (excerpt):

    1. LSU (hardpressed not to put them here)
    2. Tulane (barely hanging on to this spot)
    3. Louisiana
    The poll goes on down to #14 LOYOLA.

    These fans are so desperate to be good at something they've come up with an in-state college baseball poll and put themselves at #3 ahead of such powerhouses as Centenary and Loyola. :D

    I agree that the way the ULL baseball team conducted themselves a few years ago jaded my opnion of their athletic program as well as their fans. College Baseball has a certain level of class that college football and basketball can't match. ULL decided to spit on this class. No respect for us or college baseball? Then why in the hell should I respect you?
  3. dallaslsufan

    dallaslsufan Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I appreciate everyone's comments without going overboard here. The fact is ULL will never be at the LSU level. I see fault on both sides. LSU dogs ULL and ULL dogs LSU. We smile when things go bad for each other. We are both in the state of Lousiana! I cheer for the success of everyone in the state. I just think that it is rediculous that this hate relationship exists between the two schools. If you ask most people, Louisiana is the joke of the country, not ULL. After living 3 years out of state, I am starting to see why! Don't get me wrong, I love Louisiana, but we are so bass ackwards sometimes! We are competing for last place in every category except for sports. That is NOT something to be proud of! I love the cajun culture, but sometimes cajuns play to the "dumb" image that the rest of the country promotes. We all need to be fans of any success that occurs for any University in the state of Louisiana.
  4. jcnumberone

    jcnumberone Founding Member

    Sep 23, 2003
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    have you ever been to one of the LSU-ULL baseball games before?... You obviously have not. That is all it would take and your opinion of ULL would change dramatically.
    They even tried to start something with Wally Pontiff a couple of years back at the regionals... You know that guy has to feel bad b/c that was the summer that Wally, unfortunately passed away. That was the last straw for me.
  5. BB

    BB Founding Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    ULL fans should not speak unless spoken to.
  6. dallaslsufan

    dallaslsufan Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Give me a break. I know ULL fans are to blame, but so are LSU. I am sure LSU fans had nothing to do with it...right? Look, who cares? It is in the past! Cheer on the state of Louisiana. I am one of the biggest sports fans around...I absolutely love LSU and ULL. My office here at Texas Instruments is decorated in both colors. I just wish Louisiana residents were as passionate about bringing the state out of LAST place in acedemics, roads, etc...Use all of that hate energy and put it into something that is worth it! I love the passion of Louisiana folks...As a matter of fact, that is what I love most. I just think that it is misplaced a lot of the time.

    STRIPES Founding Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    UL-Lafayette has nothing LSU wants or aspires to be therefore....

    They are insignificant to LSU and LSU fans. If you check this board, I believe this thread is probably one of the very few (if not ONLY) threads that even mentions UL-Lafayette in anything more than a passing manner.
    Why don't you take your "ULL Love Crusade" over to the UL-Lafayette boards? It begining to sound like you would be happier over there anyway.
  8. dallaslsufan

    dallaslsufan Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Thanks Stripes...This is exactly what I mean. I am one of the BIGGEST LSU fans around. I grew up in an LSU family! I have an undergrad degree from ULL and a graduate degree from LSU. I am getting my PHD from SMU university right now. My work and home office are decorated in LSU as is both of our vehicles. The minute I bring up a discussion that makes people think, you say leave. You would be happier else where. What kind of crap is that? My guess is that you are one of those LSU fans that aren't around in the low times. I had season tickets during the losing seasons and showed up for every game. I am a TRUE fan. I would NEVER tell a follow Tiger fan to basically F off. And you say ULL fans are classless. I don't get you.

    STRIPES Founding Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    You are simply a goofball.....

    apparently because YOU went to both schools the entire world should see things as you see them regarding LSU and UL-Lafayette.

    Hey, pal, not everyone likes UL-Lafayette and you just need to deal with that fact and like I said the slant of your posts and tone of your comments reveal that you are primarily a UL-Lafayette fan. That's fine but nobody cares. Get it?

    By the way goofball, if you love Louisiana so much why don't you put up **** in your office from UL-Monroe, La Tech, McNeese, Grambling, and Southern?

    Well dumbass, many on this board don't have any ties to UL-Lafayette except to have watched their few fans make asses of themselves at LSU in the regionals, at South Carolina at the regionals and against Clemson at the CWS. Like I stated before, why don't you take your crap to the UL-Lafayette boards where they may agree with your assesment that
    big bad LSU is somehow responsible for their plaight as a doormat?
    Most on this or any other LSU board just don't really give a damn.
  10. BRETT

    BRETT LSU FAN Staff Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    I think some people are a little sensitive because in general there is much more animosity from ULL fan toward LSU fans than vice versa. The same with all other Louisiana teams. Most LSU fans really don't think much about the other schools unless we're playing them on a given week. However most fans of the other Louisiana schools seem to base their fanship on a hatred for LSU. They aren't content to cheer for their own team but usually spend their time ranting about the attention LSU gets and bashing their fellow fans who happen to be LSU fans as well (like you.)

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