I think the file you posted is infected with a virus. You might want to scan it, but thanks for sharing. As far as the hardest sport I would have to say Golf, or at least it is the most frustrating.
I did not include golf, since I do not define it as a sport. Anything you can play and drink beer is not a sport. That is my opinion. I will agree that it is hard as heck to play, but I have become pretty decent at it.
i would have to say Water Polo and Wrestling. Golf doesnt count when 13 year old girls are competeing with men on th PGA.
depends what hardest means......if it means endurance than cycling would have to take top honors.....for these cross country tours in europe, these guys average over 100 miles per day with mountain inclines.......if it means hand-eye coordination, then it would have to be baseball.....at 100mph you have to have made up your mind to swing at the time the ball is released........
I play and Coach Ice Hockey, I have played both Baseball and Football at the Highschool level. I am the worst Basketball player this side of the Mississippi. But my pick for the hardest sport to play. Now I am basing this on time to get better. Golf - I can shoot a 76 one day and a 95 the next. I have been playing since I was 12, and there are years where I actually play worse then the year before. So maybe not physically, BUT as far a game to master. Golf. Hockey to me is the most physically demanding.
texastiger, I am addicted to playing hockey. I love it. Our minor league team, the Ms. Seawolves, play with us all the time. I am the enforcer on my team, but I have scored a goal against a profesional goalie. OK, it was a rebound shot, but it counted as a goal.
In college, I was 6'1", 195 lbs. and ran about a 4.65 40. I had friends on both the Lacrosse team and Rugby team ask me to come out and play. I went and watched Rugby ONCE and said "F&*(K THAT!". They had NUMEROUS guys over 6'4" and one guy who was about 6'9" and 350 lbs. After watching that, I went and joined the Lacrosse team. Rugby is ONE MEAN MOTHER F-IN SPORT. It's like football without the pads.
Hitting a baseball is supposedly the hardest thing to do in all of sports. I read it somewhere, I wish I could find it. Obviously some people can hit the crap out of a Baseball, but you cant teach some average joe to hit a 90 mph fastball. You can teach someone to play golf, play football, soccer, etc. They may always suck but they will gradually get better. Its a lot harder to learn that fastball. Think about it, you've got to hit a ball no more than what 3-4 inches in diameter with a bat that is of equal diameter, while that ball is coming at you very very fast