They are not for making scale weights. But small, thin counterweights are among the things it does make. Any more hints and I'll give it away.
So are you saying that the holes in the clamp would be used to progressively make an existing hole bigger for the purposes of lessening the clamped part's weight?
COUNTERweight goddamn it. Little thin counterweights. I mean . . . what is friggin' tiny and filled with many thin parts including flywheels, cogs, and counterweights?
Well no need to get testy Sir Crimson. It is obviously a watchmakers clamp/drill guide thingamajiggy.
Correctimundo! It is a watchmaker's clamp designed to hold tiny parts flat so that they would not warp when being drilled, notched, or reamed.
Excellent find. Without the last post, we were gonna be guessing all around that one for a while. I'll post a new one in a bit.